Train Driver Assaulted by 15-Year-Old Afghan National: Grim Reminder of Germany's Migration Failures (Video)

“A recent survey reveals that 99% of Afghans support Sharia law, with 85% advocating stoning for unfaithful wives, 79% favoring the killing of apostates, and evident hostility towards Jews and homosexuals, highlighting their intent to bring these beliefs to our country in large numbers, but the AfD is the only party that firmly rejects this, saying, ‘No, thank you!'”

In a violent incident at Lauter station yesterday evening, a 50-year-old German train driver was assaulted by a 15-year-old Afghan national, leaving him injured and requiring hospital treatment. The attack has once again raised concerns about the repercussions of Germany’s mass-migration policies and the potential dangers faced by its society.

Details about the extent and severity of the train driver’s injuries remain unknown, as the federal police have yet to release specific information. Paramedics swiftly responded to the scene and transported the injured employee to a nearby hospital for necessary medical attention.

According to the preliminary investigation, the incident occurred when the railway employee intervened in a dispute between two passengers, seeking to defuse the situation. Tragically, he became a victim himself when the 15-year-old Afghan national turned on him. After the attack, the migrant managed to escape, evading capture even during the subsequent search of the crime scene.

Nevertheless, witnesses who were present at the time provided vital clues that aided in identifying the suspect. Authorities have determined the attacker’s identity and were able to arrest the Afghani.

This incident serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing concerns surrounding Germany’s mass-migration policies. These policies have contributed to an increasingly tense social climate, as migrants take advantage of the situation and resort to violence.

As previously reported at RAIR Foundation USA, Germany’s only conservative party, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), tried to stop the government from admitting Afghan refugees in 2021. MP Sven Tritschler from the (AfD) declared during a speech in parliament that there is no place for “refugees” from Afghanistan in Germany. The politician slammed the country’s open borders government and its policy to flood the country with more sharia-adherent “unskilled” Afghani workers.

He asserted that 99% of Afghans believe in the implementation of Sharia. The party was fighting to stop incompatible and dangerous Islamic refugees from entering Germany, explained MP Tritschler:

According to a recent survey 99% of Afghans support Sharia law. 85% want stoning for unfaithful wives. 79% are in favor of killing apostates. The attitude toward Jews and homosexuals is obvious there. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what they want to bring to our country by the hundreds of thousands. We, the AfD, are the only party that says: “No, thank you!”, ladies and gentlemen.

According to Tritschler, these beliefs are incompatible with the principles of a democratic society, making it impossible for Afghans to integrate into German society.

During this speech to the parliament, MP Tritschler reminded parliament that even former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt from the leftist Social Democratic Party opposed Afghan “refugees.” He read a quote from the famous Chancellor [1974-1982] that states:

“Immigration from Afghanistan brings with it considerable problems. It is a different civilization. Not due to their different genes, not because of their different ancestry, but because of the way they were raised as infants, the way they were raised as toddlers, the way they were raised as schoolchildren, the way they were raised as children in families.”

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door migration policy allowed more than a million primarily unskilled migrants from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East into Germany. After flooding the German country with welfare recipients, Merkel claimed they needed even more refugees to tackle the so-called “shortage of skilled workers.” MP Tritschler addressed the left’s migrant worker assertions, stating,

And we don’t need these people either. They aren’t skilled workers. At least not for what’s needed in Germany. The so-called “shortage of skilled workers” is a fairytale told by migration lobbyists and business associations who want to decrease wage levels in Germany. Do you know what the “skilled worker shortage” used to be called? It was called full-time employment, and that’s a good thing, especially for employees, ladies and gentlemen. They can’t negotiate any better.

MP Tritschler reminded parliament that Germans do not owe the Afghanis anymore than they have already given,

We gave the Afghan government an army, we trained and equipped it. Nominally, this force was far superior to the Taliban. What did the soldiers do at the slightest sign of danger? They ran away, or they defected. No, ladies and gentlemen, our citizens, our country owe Afghanistan nothing.

The AfD Politician condemned Germany’s other political parties for abandoning Germans and putting Afghans over its citizens. He took specific aim at two of Germany’s largest parties, Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Free Democratic Party (FDP), stating,

Dear CDU, dear FDP, you have something in common with the Afghan army. You surrender without fighting.

Despite the AfD’s warnings, the left-wing government still opened its doors to “refugees” from Islamic Afghanistan. After flooding the country with ten of thousands of more Afghans, the left-wing government is now halting more Afghans from entering. Considering German policies since 2015 on mass Islamic immigration, it will not be long until they open the floodgates again.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • It’s good to halt invasion and civilization jihad. These cretins breed like rats though. They hate Christians too. Narrative ommited that part, which I found irritating.

    Our idiot-in-chief gave them 80 billion in weapons and gear, Then he abandoned over 4,000 loyal people there. The entire world is one big sh*thole. All caused by the satanic kabal and their young global leaders.

    Afd are great! Also in the news, The Dutchmen got rid of that wef-corruptocrat, Rutt. I probably spelled his name wrong, too bad, F him. 🤣

  • Please send ALL Congressmen this video of this Speech. Succinct and dead-on accurate and blunt!

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    Twitter user offered this advice to Bud Light employees: ‘Sell off your company and save yourselves’ ”



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