Trump Champions 'Remigration' After Years of European Warnings: A Bold Plan to Reverse America’s Illegal Migrant Invasion

“Remigration” is a bold policy concept originating from European conservative leaders, primarily targeting Islamic immigration, advocating for the return of migrants to their home countries to address the societal, cultural, and security challenges posed by mass migration.

In a powerful statement posted on his Truth Social platform, Donald Trump declared his unwavering commitment to ending the migrant invasion of America. Trump’s comments come at a critical moment when the United States faces unprecedented challenges due to illegal immigration, and his use of the term “remigration” signals a pivotal shift in his policy agenda. This term, which has long been a rallying cry among European conservatives fighting the same battle, now takes center stage in Trump’s campaign, resonating with conservatives across the globe.

In his statement, Trump outlined a clear and decisive plan to reverse the current immigration crisis, calling out the failures of the Biden-Harris administration. “As President, I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America,” he wrote. “We will stop all migrant flights, end all illegal entries, terminate the Kamala phone app for smuggling illegals (CBP One App), revoke deportation immunity, suspend refugee resettlement, and return Kamala’s illegal migrants to their home countries (also known as remigration). I will save our cities and towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and all across America.”

The use of “remigration” in Trump’s post is more than just a word—it’s a declaration of war on illegal immigration and a direct nod to the successful strategies employed by European right-wing politicians who have been warning of the dangers of unchecked migration for years. Politicians like France’s Marine Le Pen, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, and the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders have long championed the idea of remigration, a policy aimed at reversing mass migration by sending immigrants back to their countries of origin. These leaders recognized early on that their countries’ cultures, safety, and sovereignty were at stake, and they have been on the front lines of this fight ever since.

In Europe, the term “remigration” emerged as a necessary and bold policy solution. France, in particular, saw its conservative leaders and intellectuals championing the concept. For years, France has been grappling with the severe consequences of mass immigration from Muslim-majority countries, leading to societal fractures, economic strain, and heightened security risks. Marine Le Pen’s National Rally Party was one of the earliest to adopt remigration as a central policy goal, recognizing that mere border controls and integration programs were insufficient to address the magnitude of the crisis. In the Netherlands, Wilders warned repeatedly about the demographic and cultural transformation that unchecked immigration would bring to Europe, and he was one of the first to call for remigration as a solution to the existential threats facing Western societies.

Now, Donald Trump has brought this same battle to American shores, and his message is clear: the time for remigration has come. Trump’s plan is not merely about halting illegal immigration but about reversing the damage that has already been done. Under the current administration, cities across the nation—particularly in key battleground states like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania—have been overwhelmed by the influx of illegal immigrants, many of whom have no intention of assimilating or respecting American laws. The Biden-Harris administration has not only failed to protect these communities but has actively encouraged illegal immigration with its reckless policies.

The CBP One App, a digital tool implemented by the Biden administration, has been one of the most outrageous examples of this failure, effectively acting as a smuggling facilitator by enabling migrants to enter the country illegally with the push of a button. Trump’s commitment to terminate this app is a necessary first step in dismantling the infrastructure that has allowed this crisis to spiral out of control. But it’s his bold stance on remigration—sending Kamala Harris’s illegal migrants back to their home countries—that marks a decisive turn in American immigration policy.

For years, the European Right has been warning that Western nations face an existential threat from the mass influx of migrants, many of whom refuse to assimilate and instead seek to impose their own radical values and beliefs, often rooted in Islam. The surge of illegal immigration into Europe, particularly from Muslim-majority nations, has led to devastating consequences, including spikes in violent and sexual crime, terrorism, and cultural erosion. In countries like Germany, Sweden, and France, Islamic no-go zones have emerged where even law enforcement hesitates to enter, and far-left governments turn a blind eye to the growing threat in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness.

Trump’s embrace of remigration is a recognition that America, too, is facing a similar crisis. The flood of illegal migrants, coupled with the Biden administration’s disastrous open-border policies, has jeopardized the safety, economy, and very identity of the nation. America’s future as a sovereign, free nation is at stake, and Trump’s plan to reverse the migrant invasion is the only solution strong enough to combat this unprecedented threat.

What Trump has recognized, and what European conservatives have been warning for years, is that immigration without assimilation is a recipe for disaster. The American people are tired of watching their cities and towns transformed by illegal immigration, tired of being told they are racist or xenophobic for wanting to preserve their way of life. Trump’s call for remigration is not just a policy proposal—it is a rallying cry for all those who believe in defending the nation from the destructive forces of illegal immigration and the radical left-wing agenda that enables it.

As we look toward 2024, it is clear that Trump’s vision for America’s future is rooted in strong borders, national sovereignty, and preserving American values. Europe’s warnings have gone unheeded for too long, but with Trump at the helm, America has the chance to heed those lessons and forge a path toward renewed greatness.

MAGA 2024: The Battle for America’s Survival Has Begun.

This is not just about stopping the crisis—it’s about reversing it.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


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