Teen Vogue, long masquerading as an innocent guide to style and culture, has fully revealed its true identity: a militant Marxist mouthpiece cloaked in designer threads. In its latest shocking article, “ICE Watch Programs Can Protect Immigrants in Your Neighborhood — Here’s What to Know,” the magazine openly instructs readers on how to undermine U.S. immigration law and shield illegal immigrants from deportation. What was once a fashion magazine has morphed into a tool for normalizing socialism, aiding illegal activity, and fueling anti-American sentiment.
At the center of this alarming collaboration is Nikki Marín Baena, the article’s author and a radical activist leading Siembra NC, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit exploiting tax-exempt status to fund efforts that sabotage U.S. law enforcement. This designation allows them to collect unlimited, tax-free donations while actively working to obstruct ICE, aid illegal immigrants, and build surveillance networks against federal agents.
Why is a radical anti-ICE group receiving nonprofit protections? Unlike traditional charities, Siembra NC’s 501(c)(4) status shields its donors from public scrutiny, preventing Americans from knowing who is financing its lawless operations. Is this a pipeline for foreign influence? Are left-wing megadonors fueling this subversion? The public has no way of knowing.
Meanwhile, taxpayers are unknowingly subsidizing a group that openly defies U.S. sovereignty. Siembra NC operates under the guise of a nonprofit while actively working to sabotage immigration enforcement, disrupt federal operations, and shield illegal immigrants from deportation. How can a group obstructing federal law enforcement be granted tax-exempt status?
The Ford Foundation—a $16 billion leftist powerhouse notorious for bankrolling radical movements worldwide—publicly honored Siembra NC as an ‘Emerging Leader in a Changing South.’ This isn’t just a rogue activist group; it’s a well-connected, elite-backed operation using tax-exempt funds to dismantle U.S. immigration enforcement from within.
The Radical Author Behind the Agenda
Baena’s credentials read like a blueprint for left-wing political organizing. She is the co-founder and Co-Director of Siembra NC, a radical Latine basebuilding organization in North Carolina known for obstructing immigration enforcement. Baena’s career has been dedicated to advancing far-left, anti-American causes.
Previously, Baena served as Finance Director for Mijente, a militant organization that campaigns to undermine immigration enforcement and champions pro-illegal immigrant policies. She also works as a core trainer at Training for Change, a far-left group that trains activists. Based in Greensboro, North Carolina, Baena operates at the epicenter of the radical movement to resist federal immigration laws.
Siembra NC’s War on ICE
Baena’s Siembra NC, is notorious for its brazen defiance of U.S. immigration laws. The organization has a history of promoting “ICE Watch” neighborhood programs and creating playbooks that openly train volunteers to obstruct immigration enforcement.
In 2019, Siembra NC, released a video instructing illegal immigrants on how to handle ICE agents if approached in a car. The group also conducts “ICE Watch” training sessions across North Carolina, equipping communities with tools to monitor ICE agents and shield illegals from detention.
In another 2019 video, “NEW ICE TACTICS & OUR RESISTANCE,” Siembra NC intensified its anti-ICE efforts. The video portrayed lawful enforcement actions as “aggressive tactics” and promoted strategies like forming human walls around illegal immigrants to help them evade capture. It called for widespread resistance across the South and positioned defiance of ICE as a central part of the organization’s mission.
In 2020, Siembra NC boasted in yet another video about its “victories” in aiding illegals to remain in the U.S. despite federal laws. The organization highlighted its success in establishing ICE Watch teams, which actively monitor and disrupt immigration enforcement operations. Baena’s organization also flaunted its fundraising efforts, designed to prevent deportations and provide financial assistance to illegals.
Baena’s Admission of Subversion
In a recent video, Nikki Marín Baena openly detailed how Siembra, NC, mobilized against ICE during the first Trump administration. The video showcased the organization’s strategic efforts to obstruct lawful immigration enforcement on a large scale. Baena’s candid admissions provide a chilling look at how Siembra, NC, weaponized community organizing to disrupt federal operations and embolden illegal immigrants to resist deportation.
“During the first Trump administration, we realized part of what our opponents wanted was to make us afraid,” Baena explained. “Sometimes a rumor about ICE detentions on WhatsApp would lead parents to keep their children home from school. So, at first, we started verifying rumors.”
Baena described how Siembra NC volunteers would personally investigate reports of ICE activity, using social media and text messaging to dispel fears—or confirm the presence of agents. Over time, the group’s operations became more organized and aggressive. Volunteers were trained to identify ICE agents and monitor suspected stakeouts. The group even developed a bilingual hotline dispatch system that allowed them to respond rapidly to ICE operations across multiple counties.
Baena further revealed that during large-scale operations, where ICE agents would gather from multiple offices to attempt dozens of arrests, Siembra NC created a shift schedule to post volunteers proactively in immigrant neighborhoods. These volunteers would confront ICE agents on stakeouts and signal their presence to local communities. “We know of a few instances when ICE agents chose to abandon their stakeout when confronted by our volunteers,” Baena bragged.
But for Baena, the group’s most significant “victory” wasn’t in thwarting individual arrests—it was in spreading the concept of ICE Watch far beyond Siembra NC’s immediate reach. She recounted how, in June 2019, during a series of ICE detentions in Central North Carolina, Siembra NC shared photos of their volunteers waiting for agents in the early morning hours. The images quickly went viral, inspiring people across the state to organize their own stakeouts in immigrant neighborhoods, including areas far from established defense groups, such as Laurinburg.
“That was the real victory,” Baena declared, “not that we could stop every ICE arrest, but that people were willing to take risks to protect each other and not let our opponents scare us into giving up our way of life or our dignity.”
Far from being an isolated act of resistance, Baena’s admissions reveal a calculated strategy to undermine U.S. sovereignty, disrupt immigration enforcement, and normalize illegal activity. Her detailed account underscores how Siembra NC, under her leadership, has transformed grassroots organizing into a powerful tool for defying federal law while fostering a culture of resistance that prioritizes political activism over lawful order.
Baena’s portrayal of these efforts as “victories” ignores the broader consequences of obstructing law enforcement, including public safety risks, the erosion of legal authority, and the economic strain placed on American communities. Instead of addressing these realities, her rhetoric glorifies subversion as a moral crusade, framing illegal activity as an act of dignity and defiance.
A Guide to Undermining ICE
Baena’s article encourages readers to establish “ICE Watch” neighborhood programs like those promoted by her organization, Siembra NC, to alert illegals of immigration enforcement activity. These programs and their detailed Defend and Recruit Playbook, which involve spotting and reporting ICE agents to illegals and the individual aiding and abetting them, are not about protecting rights—they’re about obstructing the law. The playbook includes tactics such as:
- Training volunteers to monitor and report ICE agents and police so local neighborhoods harboring illegals can be made aware of their presence.
- Creating Spanish-language hotlines to verify rumors of ICE raids.
- Instructing businesses on how to block ICE agents without judicial warrants.
- Establishing cash assistance funds for families of detained illegals.
See an excerpt from Siembra NC Playbook below:
Baena proudly recounts how volunteers used these methods to thwart ICE operations, causing agents to abandon lawful arrests simply because they were being watched. The magazine even glamorizes these efforts as “humanity and practical solutions” while ignoring the damage such actions inflict on America’s communities.
Below is a section from Siembra’s “Defend and Recruit Playbook.” The section titled “What ICE Watch is Designed to Do” outlines the mission and objectives of Siembra’s ICE Watch program.
This section of Siembra NC’s playbook outlines a detailed strategy for leveraging texting platforms to support their ICE Watch efforts and broader community defense initiatives. It provides a structured approach to using technology for rapid communication, coordination, and mobilization within immigrant communities.
Another section in their playbook advises individuals to avoid engaging with ICE agents, stay vigilant, and report suspicious activity while promoting resistance against immigration enforcement. It reads in English:
Good morning. Today, we have not heard any reports of ICE activity in our area or from our friends in Raleigh. We did hear the report from Atlanta, BUT according to our contacts there, it seems they couldn’t detain anyone! 🎉
What does this mean? We’re not sure, but here’s what we know:
🚪🚫 Across the country, when ICE has tried to enter homes, we’ve heard stories of people who didn’t open the door and reported that ICE left! This is something VERY simple that ALL of us can do, and we should tell our friends and especially the children to do it.👀 We will remain alert because we’re concerned that what they’re waiting for is for us to let our guard down. We remind you that, ABOVE ALL, in the MORNING ☀️, when leaving your home or for work, please be cautious.
😟 Start to recognize the cars in your neighborhood, so if you see an unfamiliar one, you can call us at 336-543-0353.
In 2018, Siembra NC proudly showcased their ‘ICE Watch” patrols going door-to-door in neighborhoods across Winston-Salem, spreading their message of defiance against immigration enforcement. As part of their efforts, these organizers instructed illegal immigrants on how to “protect themselves” from ICE agents, actively fostering a culture of resistance. They even distributed materials and armed individuals with a dedicated hotline number—336-543-0353—to report sightings of ICE agents or to seek assistance in evading enforcement.
Below are more images of the ICE Watch patrols proudly showcasing their presence across various communities throughout North Carolina. These patrols highlight the extensive reach of Siembra NC’s efforts to monitor, disrupt, and resist ICE enforcement activities in neighborhoods statewide. Each photo is a testament to their organized campaign against immigration law enforcement.
Below are propaganda videos praising ICE Watch volunteers for obstructing law enforcement and claiming victories in aiding illegals.
Siembra NC: A Taxpayer-Funded Attack on Law Enforcement?
Siembra NC’s nonprofit designation isn’t just concerning—it’s an outrage. Under 501(c)(4) protections, the organization solicits tax-exempt donations while openly working to obstruct ICE and federal immigration law. This raises a serious question: Why is a group that systematically undermines U.S. sovereignty benefiting from nonprofit status?
Through this designation, Siembra NC avoids public scrutiny over its finances, shields its donors, and raises untold sums to finance its anti-ICE initiatives. This financial loophole allows them to fund:
- The ICE Watch patrols monitor and harass immigration agents.
- Hotlines to warn illegal immigrants of ICE presence (336-543-0353).
- Legal assistance programs to block deportations of criminals.
- Community organizing efforts that turn neighborhoods into safe havens for illegal immigrants.
This blatant abuse of nonprofit protections demands immediate IRS and congressional review. If Siembra NC is using tax-exempt funds to shield illegals from law enforcement, its nonprofit status must be revoked immediately.
Teen Vogue’s Role in Normalizing Subversion
For years, Teen Vogue has been a recruitment tool for the radical left, normalizing socialism and open borders under the guise of ‘youth activism.’ Now, it has taken the next step—actively instructing readers on how to defy U.S. law. By handing a platform to Nikki Marín Baena, the magazine isn’t just reporting on subversion; it’s amplifying and endorsing it.
As long ago as 2018, Teen Vogue was promoting ANTIFA along with various inappropriate and explicit sexual practices. The magazine has consistently used its platform to push radical activism and undermine traditional values, all while masquerading as a mainstream publication for young readers.
In 2019, Maria Svart, then-head of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), openly praised Teen Vogue’s role in normalizing socialism among young readers. The magazine’s steady stream of articles pushing radical ideologies is part of a broader strategy to shift public discourse and indoctrinate impressionable audiences.
This latest piece by Baena is no exception. Under the guise of compassion, it encourages readers to actively obstruct immigration enforcement and dismantle the rule of law. Teen Vogue isn’t merely presenting information—it’s mobilizing its audience into a radical political movement that erodes U.S. sovereignty.
The Dangerous Fallout of ICE Obstruction
Teen Vogue and Baena ignore the real-world consequences of their agenda:
- Economic Strain: Shielding illegal labor undermines wages and exploits workers while disadvantaging law-abiding citizens.
- Public Safety Risks: Obstructing ICE allows potentially dangerous individuals to remain in communities unchecked.
- Undermining Sovereignty: Normalizing illegal immigration threatens the integrity of U.S. borders and institutions.
- Misplaced Priorities: Instead of helping struggling Americans, these efforts funnel resources into aiding individuals who break the law.
Siembra NC is exploiting America’s nonprofit system to finance illegal activity, obstruct federal law enforcement, and interfere with national security—all while enjoying IRS-approved protections. How can an organization waging war on U.S. immigration enforcement still hold 501(c)(4) status? This clear abuse of tax-exempt privileges must be revoked immediately.
Congress, the IRS, and federal law enforcement must immediately investigate Siembra NC’s finances and donors. Who is funding this operation? Are left-wing megadonors or even foreign actors fueling this subversion? Are American taxpayers unknowingly subsidizing efforts to dismantle their own immigration system? If the IRS fails to act, it is complicit in allowing radical activist groups to weaponize nonprofit protections as a shield for criminal activity.
This isn’t just an activist group—it’s a coordinated operation to obstruct federal law enforcement and facilitate illegal immigration under the false cover of nonprofit work. Siembra NC’s ICE Watch hotlines, surveillance patrols, and legal assistance networks are being funded by tax-exempt dollars, making a mockery of U.S. laws and immigration enforcement.
Nikki Marín Baena, Teen Vogue, and all those involved in these criminal schemes to obstruct ICE and aid illegal immigrants must face legal and financial consequences. The Department of Justice, Congress, and federal law enforcement must intervene now before this tax-exempt loophole continues fueling the destruction of America’s immigration enforcement system.
President Trump made it clear: America’s immigration laws must be enforced. Now, his government must take swift action to shut down this taxpayer-funded criminal network, eliminate its enablers, and ensure that every person aiding and abetting illegal immigration faces the full force of the law.
Excellent journalism.
Domestic terrorist. Designate as such. Arrest and jail accordingly.
Someone needs to get this information to DHS Sec. Kristi Norm, who appears to be looking for exactly this sort of thing to stop it dead cold in its tracks.