Urgent Warning: Two Radical Imams Relocating to Texas to Build Mega-Mosque, Convert Churches and Accelerate Islamic Takeover (Video)

The silence of the political class isn’t just deafening—it’s surrender.

The Islamization of Texas is no longer a theoretical concern or distant possibility—it’s an unfolding reality happening in plain sight. While political leaders, media outlets, and even many residents remain willfully blind, Islam is building deep and lasting roots in the heart of America’s most iconic state.

Gone are the days when Texas was known for cowboys, rugged individualism, and unapologetic American values. A new identity is quietly being forged—one driven not by assimilation, but by strategic Islamic expansion and, ultimately, dominance.

“Texas has Islam.” These are the triumphant words of Muslim leaders who migrated to Texas to establish Islamic enclaves. What began as a visit quickly turned into a mission. They speak proudly of other Islamic leaders relocating to Texas, buying megachurches, and converting them into mosques. They describe their surprise—and delight—at how deeply rooted Islam already is: from Dallas to San Antonio, Houston to small cowboy towns, where prayer rugs now roll out in parks, gas stations, and sidewalks.

In this article, we showcase a revealing video featuring two prominent Muslims inside the Dallas Muslim Community Center (DMCC) in Sachse, TX (Collin and Dallas counties). This region, part of the DFW metroplex, is now one of the most aggressively Islamized areas in the United States.

One of the men interviewed moved from Colorado to Dallas so his son could attend Quran school—and so he could help expand DMCC, modeled after the Colorado Muslim Community Center where he originally served. He’s now recruiting other Muslim leaders from Colorado to join him in Texas.

Before relocating, they admitted: “We thought Texas only had three things—cows, white people, and desert. But then we saw the masajid, we saw the Muslims… and we realized Texas has Islam.”

This wasn’t a casual comment. It was a declaration of intent. He and his “brothers” are not just moving—they’re bringing with them the infrastructure of Islamic society, money, and now a hunt for land to build sprawling new Islamic centers.

In the video, the men gleefully announce the upcoming move of two well-known and controversial Muslim figures—Imam Sheikh Karim Abu Zaid and Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq—as part of this coordinated expansion. Notably, Farooq staged a dubious hate crime in 2022, offering no proof and using the incident to cast himself as a victim while pushing his radical Salafi agenda. Their relocation is no coincidence; it marks the next phase of Islam’s growth in Texas: coordinated, well-funded, and ideologically driven. These are not guest imams—they are arriving to lead the charge, purchase land, construct mega-mosques, buy churches to convert into mosques, and permanently expand Islam’s footprint across the state—while the Christian one steadily disappears.

This is not integration. This is replacement.

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In Islamic tradition, taking over religious spaces—especially converting churches into mosques—is not incidental. It’s symbolic of conquest. They are not merely repurposing buildings—they are planting flags, establishing ideological beachheads. The goal isn’t coexistence. It’s the gradual replacement of American law and culture with Islam and Sharia.

What we are witnessing is a modern expression of Hijrah—Islamic migration for the purpose of expanding Islam’s influence. Rooted in Muhammad’s own emigration from Mecca to Medina, Hijrah is considered a highly meritorious act in Islam.
The Qur’an says:

“And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance. And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah…”
(Qur’an 4:100)

Hijrah remains the blueprint for Islamic supremacists who seek to populate, dominate, and reshape non-Muslim lands. The Hadith confirms this mission:

“I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with: to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate and to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah.”

And notice their immediate instinct upon arriving in Texas. They don’t talk about embracing the local culture. They don’t mention Texas history, values, or traditions. Instead, they focus on one thing: spreading Islam—distributing free Qurans at restaurants, building Islamic spaces, and establishing Muslim-only enclaves. The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), tied to extremism and Islamic terror, uses its “Free Quran” campaign to advance a global Islamic Movement aimed at reviving the Caliphate and uniting all Muslims under a single Islamic state.

Here’s something worth reflecting on: When most of us travel, especially abroad, we immerse ourselves in the culture. If we go to Italy, we want to eat Italian food, explore local history, and respect their way of life.

But these Muslim migrants reduced Texas to “white people, cows, and desert.” That’s all they see. Their excitement isn’t for Texas—it’s for Islam in Texas. They’re not here to blend in—they’re here to supplant, brick by brick, mosque by mosque.

These are not people seeking to join the American fabric. They’re here to build, but only within the confines of Islamic identity and law. They want Texas to serve Islam, not the other way around.

The Islamic leaders are explicit: they’re done hiding their faith. They believe Muslims must be visible—handing out Qurans, wearing Islamic garb, praying in public, and essentially asserting Islamic dominance. They scoff at Muslims who once thought assimilation was necessary. Their confidence is growing. So is their reach.

They speak of overcrowded mosques, standing-room-only Friday prayers, and the urgent need for more Islamic real estate. They aren’t adapting to Texas. They’re reshaping it.

Near the end of the video, the man from DMCC makes a telling comment: “Alhamdulillah, all the masjids here, we have very mature management… we work as five fingers and a single glove. This is how we work. We always try to complement each other. We don’t try to compete with each other.” This quote is deeply revealing. Rather than competing, these Islamic centers are strategically coordinating—blanketing the region with mosque networks, each reinforcing the next. As RAIR Foundation has reported (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here) mega-mosques are rising across the DFW area, each tied to similar expansionist agendas. Meanwhile, Texas leaders are outmaneuvered, out-funded, and out-organized, struggling to keep pace with the level of sophistication and long-term planning that Islamic groups are deploying with remarkable efficiency.

Learn from Europe—where Islamic supremacists have followed the same model. Demands for halal-only food (a financial pipeline for Islamization), Sharia-compliant banking, rejection of Christian holidays and symbols, normalization of veils in public, polygamy, child brides, no-go zones, Islamic patrols, female genital mutilation, the call to prayer blasted through towns and cities, and open intimidation of non-Muslims—all protected under the umbrella of “multiculturalism.”

These demands aren’t about tolerance—they’re about dominance and control. Islam, by definition, means submission, and that’s exactly what these activists seek: not peaceful coexistence, but the eventual submission of every aspect of American life—law, culture, and faith—to Islamic authority.

Even Muammar Qaddafi admitted it bluntly:

“We Muslims don’t need to use force against Europe. We will conquer it with the wombs of our women.”

So while they proudly build their Islamic infrastructure, who is asking what this means for Texas’s cultural, political, and spiritual future? Where are the elected officials who once claimed to defend American values? Where is the media outrage?

This is not accidental. It is calculated.

Islam is expanding in Texas, not through bombs or violence—but through strategic, relentless growth, masked as religious freedom but driven by a global mission: to establish Islamic society.

The silence of the political class isn’t just deafening—it’s surrender.

Texas is being Islamized. And if Texans don’t act now, they will wake up in a land that no longer belongs to them.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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