Violent Attack at Child's Soccer Tournament: African Attempts to Stab Spanish Father at Ibercup Andalucía 2023

Sotogrande, Cádiz – The Ibercup Andalucía, a celebrated international children’s and youth sports competition, was marred by a harrowing incident: an African man viciously attacked a Spaniard with a skewer during the grassroots football tournament. Witnessed by countless participants, including young children, this shocking confrontation has thrust Spain’s open border policies into the spotlight, sparking deep concerns about the threats of violence they bring.

Amidst the spirited gathering of over 3,000 participants at Ibercup Andalucía 2023, intended to promote sportsmanship and camaraderie, tensions between parents erupted into a chilling assault that left everyone in disbelief.

In the age of social media, videos capturing the distressing scene have spread swiftly, igniting an immense wave of outrage and laying bare the harsh realities of Spain’s open-border policies under its socialist government.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Sportsmanship used to be taught when I grew up. It’s similar to Honor code. It also extends to the bleachers where spectators watch. Of course, good traditions are being replaced with violent marxism, and faggotry. So sick of this crap. These invaders all need to be deported to WEF headquarters. Then tell them that Count Klausiepoo and Harari taste like chicken, same as snake meat.

    • I probably can’t say what should happen to the WEF and its supporters. It amazes me that more politicians aren’t speaking out against that bunch or global elites. They better realize quickly that they won’t all qualify for elite status .

      • Politicians don’t speak out since they are compromised, bribed, extorted, and blackmailed into submission. The rigged elections guarantee their seat, and of course they are beholden to the satanic kabal. The ones that do speak out get a phone call, and then they don’t speak out.

        Could be something like, we have a videotape of you and your intern getting frisky. How about we go public? What will your wifey and friends think? Or it could be more lurid. Like remember that junket in Thailand? How about we show a videotape of what you and the underage prostitute were doing?
        Sex blackmail. PedoEpstein and Hugh Hefner honeypot type stings.

  • Hopefully the young kids who witnessed this will be bewildered as they were ALWAYS told that jihadi immigrants were BETTER than your own Spanish kin and promptly will forego their stupid and useless soccer skills for hand-eye-coordination sports, martial arts, and weapons training. If you can get the Youth on your side with basic examples of jihadist brutality and play the tapes over and over, your side will win the day and save your country. We have tons of videos of the equivalent or worse brutality of the George Floyd video just in the last 20 years of documentation by the media refuses to air the really brutal videos or even show the milder ones more than once.


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