The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim group with extensive ties to extremism and Islamic terror, has launched a new campaign to target American homes and spread Islam under the guise of cultural outreach. A chilling promotional video released by ICNA outlines their intention to send Muslim proselytizers, door-to-door, across the United States, armed with thousands of copies of their ideological manual—the Quran.
This campaign is not about peaceful coexistence or mutual understanding. It is a calculated and dangerous initiative to recruit more followers for their cause, one which has historically been linked to radical movements and the call for violent jihad. The Quran, far from being a book of universal love, explicitly divides humanity into two camps: Muslims, described as the “best of people” (3:110), and non-Muslims, condemned as “the worst of creatures” (98:6). Non-believers are compared to vile animals, and Allah’s hatred for them is made clear throughout its pages, alongside promises of eternal torture for those who reject Islam.
While ICNA will undoubtedly present this campaign as harmless outreach, it is important for Americans to understand the true nature of Dawah, the Islamic process of proselytization. According to authoritative Islamic teachings, Dawah is not merely an invitation to convert; it is a legal requirement in Islam before Muslims can wage war on non-believers. Islamic law, as outlined in Um Dat al Salik (Reliance of the Traveller), a manual approved by Al Azhar University—the highest authority in Sunni Islam—states in Book O, Justice, o9.8:
“The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice… and the war continues until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya).”
The process is clear: first comes Dawah, then comes Jihad.
This doctrine is echoed in Muhammad’s teachings, which Muslims are instructed to follow as the “most perfect example of a man.” Classical manuals of Islamic law, such as Al-Hidayah, confirm this sequence:
“The Prophet did not commence combat with a people without first inviting them to Islam.”
It is no surprise, then, that this ICNA campaign—which includes billboards, street booths, and door-to-door proselytizing—is sweeping across the country. What remains alarming, however, is America’s continued tolerance for an organization whose ties to extremism are undeniable.
A History of Extremism: ICNA’s Ties to Radical Movements
ICNA’s Ties to Radical Movements ICNA’s connections to extremism are long-established and well-documented. Founded in 1968 as the American branch of Jamaat-e-Islami, ICNA is directly tied to an organization that has supported terrorism and called for violent jihad. Jamaat-e-Islami’s militant wing, Hizbul Mujahideen, was linked to the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed.
ICNA’s events have featured speakers who openly promote suicide bombings, jihad, and the implementation of Sharia law in the United States. Internal documents reveal that ICNA views Western institutions, including public schools, as battlegrounds for advancing Islamic supremacy. This agenda is outlined explicitly in ICNA’s 2010 Member Handbook, which preaches the ultimate goal of establishing a global Islamic Caliphate governed by Sharia law. The handbook lays out a five-stage strategy for achieving this goal, beginning with proselytizing and social outreach to infiltrate Western institutions and ultimately culminating in global Islamic governance.
The handbook makes it clear that ICNA’s outwardly moderate public image is a façade. It instructs members to use deceptive tactics in their outreach campaigns to non-Muslims, portraying the group as a proponent of cultural understanding while masking its ultimate objective: the eradication of Western political, economic, and social systems in favor of Islamic dominance.
One required reading in ICNA’s educational curriculum advocates for rejecting Western law and calls on Muslims to “lay down their lives” to establish Islamic governance. This curriculum is heavily influenced by the teachings of Jamaat-e-Islami founder Sayyid Abul A’la Maududi, whose works dominate ICNA’s reading lists. Maududi openly advocates for the destruction of secular governments and the establishment of the “Kingdom of God on Earth.” His writings declare that it is the duty of Muslims to “snatch away the power of legislation and lordship from those who do not fear God.”
ICNA’s connections to terrorism extend beyond its ideological foundations. The group’s magazine has published interviews with terrorist leaders in Pakistan and encouraged young Muslims to join violent jihad in Kashmir. In December 2009, five members of an ICNA-affiliated mosque in Virginia were arrested and convicted on terrorism charges after attempting to join Pakistani terror groups.
ICNA also maintains its allegiance to Jamaat-e-Islami through its ongoing partnerships with senior members of the organization. Yusuf Islahi, a high-ranking member of Jamaat-e-Islami in India, regularly teaches at ICNA’s headquarters. The group continues to distribute Maududi’s radical literature, including works that predict the collapse of Western political systems under the rise of Islamic governance.
ICNA’s charter is explicit in its objectives, calling for the “establishment of the Islamic system of life” across all spheres, including economic, social, and political domains. The group sees itself as part of a broader “Islamic Movement” that spans the globe, actively working toward the re-establishment of the Caliphate and the unification of all Muslims under a single Islamic state.
At the societal level, ICNA disguises its radical ambitions through outreach programs like WhyIslam, which claim to build “bridges of understanding” with non-Muslims. However, internal documents reveal that WhyIslam is primarily a vehicle for proselytizing and spreading Islamist ideology. The handbook instructs members to misrepresent the group’s mission, presenting it as an educational initiative rather than the proselytizing or Dawah campaign it truly is.
In its handbook, ICNA outlines a step-by-step process for advancing its agenda, starting with individual and family-level education and escalating to societal, state, and global influence. At the state level, ICNA envisions a society where Islamic governance takes root and secular laws are replaced with Sharia. The final stage, referred to as the “Global Level,” aims for the formation of coalitions among Islamic states, ultimately leading to a unified Caliphate.
This militant vision has led to ICNA’s affiliations with other extremist organizations. For example, ICNA frequently partners with the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group committed to the overthrow of secular governments. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood, Ikwan, is the father organization of most Islamic terror groups such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Islamic State. ICNA also works closely with South Asia’s Jamaat-e-Islami, whose founder, Maududi, declared that the rise of Islamic political power would bring about the “destruction of Western political and social systems.”
The influence of ICNA’s ideology is evident in the group’s persistent efforts to infiltrate American institutions, particularly public education. By presenting itself as a charitable and educational organization, ICNA has gained access to schools, libraries, and community centers, where it promotes a sanitized version of Islam while advancing its radical agenda behind the scenes.
Countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan have taken action against Jamaat-e-Islami by banning its literature and arresting its leaders due to their involvement in militancy. Yet ICNA continues to operate freely in the United States, spreading the same ideology under the guise of cultural understanding and social justice.
Why Is America Allowing This?
The ICNA campaign is not simply about religion; it is about power, control, and the incremental erosion of American values. By masquerading as a moderate outreach organization, ICNA gains access to public schools, libraries, and government programs, where it spreads a sanitized version of Islam while hiding its ultimate goal: the destruction of Western political and social systems.
This is not speculation—it is a matter of record. ICNA’s charter explicitly calls for the establishment of an Islamic system of life in all spheres of society. Their partnerships with groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami confirm their allegiance to a broader Islamic movement aimed at global domination.
Time To Wake Up
ICNA’s new Dawah campaign is a warning that cannot be ignored. This is not harmless outreach—it is a prelude to something far more dangerous. As history and Islamic law confirm, Dawah is a legal precursor to jihad. It is a declaration of war.
In 2006, then-Iranian President Ahmadinejad sent a letter to President Bush inviting Americans to embrace Islam. This was not a gesture of peace—it was a veiled threat. Today, ICNA is extending that same invitation to homes across the United States.
Americans must demand immediate investigations into ICNA’s ties to radical networks and their infiltration of public institutions. Communities should remain vigilant and refuse to be deceived by this dangerous façade of ‘cultural understanding.'”
ICNA’s dangerous campaign must be exposed, challenged, and stopped before it is too late. This is not outreach—it is a calculated strategy to dominate America, one household at a time.
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