Exclusive Video: Antifa Supported in German Parliament by DSA-Friendly Die Linke

Marxists in America are also working to mainstream Antifa

Martina Renner of Die Linke, a hard left political party in Germany, raised eyebrows when she went to the podium during a Parliamentary session sporting her Antifa pin. Bundestag Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki called out the stunt, but Comrade Renner was applauded by her communist friends and embraced by Die Linke Leader Katja Kipping who RAIR Foundation USA reported in August as stating “…behind every AfD person in a suit there’s a Nazi ready to Fire a Gun.”

Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is the largest non-left political party in Germany. See RAIR’s reporting on the brave and growing AfD movement in Germany here, here and here.

Renner is no stranger to Antifa, as a German publication observed that she [translated] “…appeared in January 2018 at an event of the ‘Antifa-Northeast’ and researched on ‘Solidarity against surveillance and repression.'” 

As previously reported at RAIR:

“Die Linke is a direct descendant of the former ruling East German Communist Party. Many current leaders of Die Linke were informants for the Stasi, the former brutal secret police agency of East Germany.”

Antifa, the military arm of the hard left in Germany (see a list of German Antifa violence here), is not as taboo in Germany as it is in America, but American communists are working hard to diminish the violence of Antifa and turn attention to the phantom of so-called right wing terror.

Die Linke Representatives Martina Renner, MdB and Kerstin Köditz, MdL and Katja Kipping via Katja Kipping

Further, Die Linke works closely with The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest Marxist organization in the United States. DSA recently held their biennial convention with over 1000 delegates in Atlanta, Georgia. One of the resolutions they approved during that convention was to re-dedicate their commitment to working with Antifa (Resolution #9: “Establishing a National Anti-Fascist Working Group”). See all approved resolutions here.

Transcript: Thank you to Miss Piggy for the translation!

And say thank you Antifa! —Ms. Colleague, Ms. Colleague Renner! We find ourselves in a situation —Excuse me? —I see you have an Antifa button on.

So? —Do you realize what you have done? —It’s a button.

My dear colleagues, Colleague Renner is wearing an Antifa button on her clothing.

I will impose on her a call to order.

I reserve the right to, I reserve the right to, I have imposed the call of order on you, and I reserve the right to, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the German Bundestag  to charge you with further disciplinary measures. Ms. Colleague Kipling, I will impose on you a call to order as well for your heckling.

The next speaker is Canan Bayram for the Alliance 90, the Green party.

Just a moment Ms. Bayram. If you want to have any further calls for order please let me know. Measures have been taken by the chair to ensure order, and it is strictly permissible.

Once again. I consider it inappropriate to wear an Antifa button in the German parliament. In their proposal [AfD], it states that delegates  to the German parliament should distance themselves from movements like the Antifa and their symbols. So I went looking on the internet to find what kind of symbols represent Antifa. I asked myself, is this a symbol of the Antifa?

Does it fall in the category of symbols that you don’t want? Is this a symbol of the Antifa that you don’t want?

Ms. Colleague, Ms. Colleague, please.

Is this the Antifa symbol you don’t want? I don’t know; there’s no specification. It is not clearly in your proposal, and since you are so bothered by it, it appears that the Antifa is having an impact.

Ms. Colleague Bayram, I don’t believe the effectiveness of your speech is enhanced when you violate the rules of the German Parliament.

First of all, holding up emblems is not common practice. It is currently not common practice. Please let me speak. Secondly, I will assume that the term “old white man” was not meant as age-related discrimination


Renee Nal

Renee Nal is an investigative journalist and documentary film producer.

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