'We Will Dance Again': The Untold Horror of the Nova Festival Massacre and the Islamic Jihad Behind It (Documentary)

The Nova Music Festival, also known as Supernova, was an open-air psychedelic trance event held in the southern Israeli desert near Kibbutz Re’im on October 6th-7th, 2023. Thousands of Israelis and tourists gathered for peace and celebration, unaware of the terror that was about to unfold. At daybreak on October 7th, rockets suddenly interrupted the music, marking the beginning of a nightmare that no one could have anticipated.

By 6:30 a.m., the festival-goers saw rockets in the sky, and by 7 a.m., the sirens confirmed the attack. But this was only the beginning. Heavily armed Hamas terrorists, using motorcycles, trucks, and even paragliders, stormed the festival grounds with rifles in hand, surrounding and firing indiscriminately at people who tried to escape. In a desperate bid for survival, festival-goers had to choose between running, hiding, or playing dead. Yet, there was no escape—terrorists hunted them down, setting fire to their hiding spots, looting their bodies, and obliterating shelters. Some victims were executed at point-blank range, adding to the horror of that fateful day.

The Islamic massacre left the world stunned, and now, the documentary We Will Dance Again, directed and written by Yariv Mozer, offers a gripping minute-by-minute retelling of the Supernova Music Festival Massacre. This film captures the stories of the survivors, recounting the chilling details of the attack, the terror they experienced, and the unfathomable brutality that unfolded.

We Will Dance Again is not for the faint of heart, as it exposes the war crimes committed during the Islamic jihad attack, including violence, rape, and other forms of unimaginable cruelty. However, it is a documentary that must be seen to understand the depths of this tragedy.

Warning: some of the stories depicted are extremely difficult and may be deeply disturbing, but they are crucial to understanding the full scope of the atrocity. You can also read individual testimonies from survivors at the October 7th – Nova Festival.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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