Young German Girl Sexually Assaulted and Beaten by 7 Syrian Teenagers

Chemnitz (Saxony) – A 21-year-old German woman experienced a horrifying attack at the hands of Islamic migrants on Saturday evening in the Gablenz district of Chemnitz. The woman was sitting on a grassy area near an allotment garden around 6:10 p.m. when a group of seven teenage migrants suddenly approached her. The attackers began to insult and hit her, eventually knocking her to the ground with a punch to the face.

The sexual assault took place at the garden complex near Chemnitz.

The situation escalated as the assailants attempted to drag the woman to a dead end, sexually molesting her multiple times. Despite the sexual attack, the woman fought back and screamed, which drew the attention of a 22-year-old acquaintance in a nearby garden. The man rushed to her aid but was also beaten by the attackers.

The situation finally calmed down when other witnesses intervened, causing the perpetrators to flee. Both the woman and her acquaintance sustained physical and psychological injuries from the brutal attack.

Thanks to witness descriptions, police managed to apprehend five of the seven suspects not far from the crime scene. The arrested individuals are Syrian nationals aged 15, 16, 17, 19, and 23. They were taken to a police station for further investigation by the Chemnitz criminal investigation department on suspicion of sexual assault and dangerous bodily harm.

One of the Syrian attackers

Following initial police measures, the 17-, 19-, and 23-year-olds were released on orders from the public prosecutor. The 15- and 16-year-old suspects were brought before an investigating judge at the Chemnitz District Court on Sunday.

“The suspicion of sexual assault and dangerous assault is primarily directed against these two individuals,” police spokeswoman Julia Köhler (36) stated. According to current information, the victim and the perpetrators did not know each other.

Investigators are now seeking additional witnesses who can provide relevant information about the crime. The Chemnitz Criminal Investigation Department is accepting information at 0371 387-3448.

Next to the garden is the Gablenz outdoor pool

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist



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