Vox Party Leader Slams the Open Border's Socialist Government for Rising Rape Cases in Spain (Video)

The Vox Party takes a stand against establishing a politically correct hierarchy of victims and instead defends the rights of women, homosexuals, and all individuals impacted by violence.

In a recent segment on Antena3, Santiago Abascal, the conservative leader of Spain’s Vox Party, expressed his frustration with being repeatedly asked the same questions by the left-wing media. These questions wrongly assume that his party and its supporters condone violence against women, the perils faced by migrants at sea, and the lack of freedoms for homosexuals. Abascal firmly denounced such delusions and attacks as unacceptable, calling for a more rational and effective approach to these pressing issues created by Spain’s socialist-led government and its open border policies.

Abascal’s stance on gender-based violence was clear. He emphasized that when a woman is tragically murdered, it is a matter of murder itself, and the perpetrator must be held accountable with a lifelong prison sentence. The Vox leader went on to criticize the socialist gender-based violence law, arguing that it has been used to criminalize men rather than effectively protect women. He pointed out that despite this law, the number of murdered women has not decreased, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach.

When asked about alternatives, Abascal emphasized the importance of cultivating a culture of respect for women while analyzing the profiles of repeat offenders. He stressed the need to reject civil or religious discourses that justify violence against women and to identify those responsible for such acts. Abascal did not shy away from holding the socialist-led government accountable, accusing it of failing to address rising rape cases and prioritizing the release of sexual offenders from prisons. His words challenged the government’s approach and shed light on its shortcomings.

Abascal’s comments echo the sentiment expressed by Macarena Olona, Vox’s Deputy Spokesperson in Congress, during a fiery political debate. Olona condemned the left’s proposal to criminalize males for being male, denouncing their “pathological hatred of men.” She emphasized that violence knows no gender, asserting that rapists, murderers, abusers, and cowards should be held responsible for their actions, regardless of their sex.

While practically the entire Spanish Congress of Deputies supports the left-wing assertion of a gender violence crisis, Vox remains the only conservative party dissenting from this narrative. They have raised the flag of equality, refusing to lower it. Vox rejects the left’s claim that being a woman inherently produces violence against women, arguing that it stems from female chauvinism and a pathological hatred of males.

Vox defends the rights of all individuals, rejects the criminalization of a specific gender, and stands against policies that abandon real victims of violence, including women, homosexuals, grandparents, children, and siblings. They refuse to create a hierarchy of victims and demand equal rights and justice for all. Macarena Olona’s powerful rebuttal to the left’s anti-male agenda resonated with millions, gaining support in the recent regional elections, where Vox secured a significant percentage of the vote.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Violent offenders are usually not rehabilitated in prison, so kicking them loose will produce more violent crimes upon law abiding citizens. We have the same problem. Often a felony is plea bargained down to a misdemeanor, and the dirtbag is kicked loose. A while later the dirtbag repeats his crimes.

    All the lefties here want to defund the police. So, good officers retire early, and new recruits are hired based upon racial hiring quotas, not merit. Taxpayers loose everytime! ☹

  • Many third world countries empty their prisons, and send the invaders into first world countries. They carry VD, aids, TB, HEP-C and other infectious diseases. They send the rapists, perverts, trannies, and sodomites too. It helps undermine and overwhelm the system and infrastructure. Cloward-Piven tactics.

  • Olona’s speaks with strong conviction. In fact, her tongue is so sharp she could open a can of beans with it. Gotta love her. Que Buena!


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