Awkward: Biden Snaps at Reporter; Flees Without Wearing Mask (Watch)

Despite his unscientific Executive Order mandating the use of masks in the federal government, Joe Biden forgot to put his face diaper on as he fled from a reporter asking a relatively mild question.

Despite his unscientific Executive Order mandating the use of masks in the federal government, Joe Biden forgot to put his face diaper on as he fled from a reporter asking a relatively mild question.

Jennifer Van Laar of Red State detailed the scene, which was unsurprisingly cut off from the official White House video at the end, but is still available at C-Span. The comments on the YouTube video, which were available earlier on Friday and largely negative, have evidently been disabled. At the time of this writing, the YouTube video had 5.4k “likes” and 19k “dislikes”.

See screenshot:


The unnamed reporter shouts out to Biden after he signed his last executive order: “Mr. President, you set the goal at 100 million vaccines in your first 100 days. Is that high enough? Shouldn’t you set the bar higher [inaudible] where the US is right now?” Biden responds: “When I announced it you all said it wasn’t possible. C’mon, gimme a break, man. It’s a good start.”

Soon-to-be President Kamala Harris (who has already engaged with the World Health Organization’s [WHO] current Director-General and Marxist revolutionary Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) and globalist coronavirus tyrant Anthony Fauci stand behind Biden as he awkwardly gets up and pauses before he leaves the room without putting on his mandated mask.

Van Laar also provides great commentary on the event here.

As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, it is not the first time Biden forgot his mask, as he preaches about the supposed risk of not wearing them. Elected officials who scream the loudest about wearing masks often get caught mocking their use. (see herehere and here).

It is almost as if masks are not really scientifically needed to stop a pandemic, but are instead used as a political tool by tyrants who want to control the masses.

Watch the last 30 seconds:

Renee Nal

Renee Nal is an investigative journalist and documentary film producer.


  • He is only reading what is on a teleprompter … We do not have a President … Give Me a Break is his only answer.

  • I remember seeing a clip of Biden with a mask on, and then pulling it down to cough into his hand. This is the mentality of the man!


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