Bulgarians Fight Back: 80% Decline in Restaurant Visits After Green Passes Mandated (RAIR Exclusive)

Only 20% of Bulgaria, which has a population of 7 million, has been jabbed with the experimental mRNA injection.

RAIR Foundation USA correspondent Tania Groth was on the scene in Varna, Bulgaria, on Thursday, at a demonstration held by restaurant associations and various freedom fighters to protest the government’s authoritarian green pass program. Thousands marched in different cities across the country under their motto, “All together! For health, work, future, security!”.

The protest came after the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association came out with alarming data showing the effects of the green pass on their businesses and workers. A green pass is a paper document or app that proves the holder has been thoroughly “vaccinated” or recovered from the coroanvirus. It grants them access to indoor restaurants, bars, cafes, and other indoor venues. There was more than an 80% drop in turnovers and visits to restaurants in the first two days after the “green certificate” became mandatory to visit places for food and entertainment.

The decline of patrons is proportional to the low number of people vaccinated in Bulgaria. Only 20% of Bulgaria, which has a population of 7 million, has been jabbed with the experimental mRNA injection. This puts the county last in the European Union, with an average of 69% fully vaccinated.

“Although most of the industry has made serious efforts and provided staff to meet the requirements, there are no customers. Some of the most profitable restaurants in Bulgaria even experienced a day with 0 reservations.

Restaurants across Bulgaria are closing with each passing day,” explains organizers. With the rapidly rising prices of electricity, fuel, and food. Their incomes are not able to cover household expenses. Businesses like restaurants and their workers are doomed, explained protesters.

According to the protesters, the green passes implemented by Stoycho Katsarov, the Minister of Health, are highly discriminatory and have led to the total depopulation of their establishments. “There are no economic measures to support the affected businesses and keep the work of employees – zero,” explained the organizers.

The protest was organized by the Alliance of Tourist Industry in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Association of Restaurants, Association of Restaurants in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, Bulgarian Health and Fitness Association, Bulgarian Association of Retail Centers, representatives of children’s centers, and others.

Watch the following protest filmed by RAIR. Protesters were chanting “Liberty, Liberty, Liberty” throughout the march.

Below are pictures that were taken at the freedom protest:

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • This needs to happen all across the world. I personally will not patronize a business which enforces the illegal mask and gene therapy mandates (they’re not vaccinations). Governments, which do not have the resources to enforce their mandates will get away with these illegal tactics so long as businesses continue to act as the police. Do not enable these people! RESIST OR SERVE

  • In WWII, Bulgaria DID NOT COMPLY with Nazi orders to round up Jews. Not one Bulgarian Jew was deported to a concentration/death camp. So pleased to see that the Bulgarians are still standing up to Nazi’s. May God bless and keep them.

  • Boycott the mandates, on principles if freedom. Boycott “vaccines”.because their inherent dangers of the unknown.

  • Hats off to freedom loving Bulgarians.

    Don’t go to New Orleans – vax Nazis own that city. After papers demanded at Sazaracs, i was told “No drinks for you!


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