Exposed: The Hidden Hand of Pakistan in Training Hamas for the October 7th Slaughter of Israeli Citizens (Video)

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s well-known animosity and deep-seated hatred towards Israel and the Jews are reflected on Pakistani passports, which explicitly state, ‘This passport is valid for all countries in the world except Israel.

In the era of information saturation and continuous geopolitical discourse, key entities such as media outlets, news channels, international observers, and conservative-leaning commentators appear to have overlooked a pivotal element in the Israel-Palestinian conflict equation.

This oversight pertains to the significant role played by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a supporter of terrorist organizations, notably Hamas.

Pakistan has been a long-standing nemesis of Israel, as well as India, and played a strategic role in aiding, supporting, and training the fighters of Hamas, who participated in one of the most horrific and despicable atrocities against the Jewish state of Israel in recorded history.

In a video from 2021 that is now gaining traction once again on social media, concerning the current geopolitical climate in the Middle East, ex-Senator and former Pakistani Envoy Raja Zafar ul Haq, who currently serves as the chairman of the Pakistan Muslim League-N (one of the major political parties in the country), is seen boasting about the fact that the Pakistani Army has been actively involved in imparting military and combat training to Hamas terrorists over a significant span of time, extending over several decades.

This alarming revelation has renewed the discussion around the fact that Pakistan has been supporting and helping many extremist Muslim groups, including Hamas, as part and parcel of its foreign policy. As a well-known sponsor of Islamic Jihad that is customized towards hating Jews and Hindus, the credibility of Pakistan as a state on the world stage has always been highly questionable.

In the now viral clip, Raja Zafar ul Haq could be heard saying, “In 1981, when I met Abu Jihad in Tunis, he said that whenever there is a conflict with Israel, the ones who fight the bravest are the ones who have been trained in Pakistan. And they have been given military training. And even now, it is happening”.

The top diplomat of Pakistan, who has held significant positions in the Zia-ul-Haq-led government, continues to be regarded as a prominent politician in the country today. Currently serving as the acting chairperson of the Pakistan Muslim League (N), he openly discusses his previous encounters with Abu Jihad, a Muslim jihadi, and fighter who was a co-founder of Fatah in Gaza and a key aide to Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

This is clear evidence that the Pakistani hand and element in the Palestinian cause goes back decades and is not new or recent. This is very important to know and understand.

It should not be surprising that the Pakistani Army is involved in training Palestinian terrorists, as disclosed by Raja Zafar ul Haq, given Pakistan’s history of association with international Islamic jihadist groups. Even today, Pakistan’s involvement with Harakat al-Muqāwamah al-Islamiyah, also known as HAMAS, a Palestinian Para-state terror group, has been confirmed by sources in the Israeli government who have intelligence on the deep links between the two.

It is no wonder that out of thousands of Islamic terrorists designated by the US, the majority of Muslim terror outfits operate in Pakistan, and their members, supporters, and operatives highly idolize and venerate Hamas as the Mujahideen (Holy Warriors of Islam)

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s well-known animosity and deep-seated hatred towards Israel and the Jews are reflected on Pakistani passports, which explicitly state, ‘This passport is valid for all countries in the world except Israel.’ This is because Pakistan does not even recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Pakistan provided military support to the Arabs during the Israeli War of Independence. Furthermore, religious political parties and militant groups in Pakistan, including Jamaat-e-Islami, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, and Lashkar-e-Taiba, vehemently oppose any form of association with Israel. They have consistently labeled Israel as an adversary of both Islam and Pakistan.

It is also common public knowledge that Islamic preachers and clerics in Pakistan regularly call on Allah for the destruction and annihilation of Jews and Israel in their hate-filled, hyper-charged sermons, delivered to packed audiences screaming Allah Ho Akbar and Subhan Allah every Friday across the whole of Pakistan. Hating on Jews and Israel (and her allies like neighboring India) is deeply embedded into the religious, cultural, and social fabric in Pakistan.

Various terrorist groups and nations that support terrorism share a common goal of eliminating Israel from the global arena and oppressing Jews. It is not surprising that Pakistan and its citizens, who have a track record of financing and promoting terrorism, have consistently demonstrated steadfast backing for the activities of Palestinian terrorists, such as Hamas.

The Palestinian cause, primarily fuelled by the hatred of Jews, has always been a central theme of the Pakistani political sphere, and it is often used to stir up emotions into a frenzy of religious jingoism, happily and willingly lapped up by millions of cheering Muslims in Pakistan who grow up hating the “Yahud” (Arabic term for the Jew often used in a derogatory tone)

Liaqat Baloch, the deputy emir of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, recently said: “Israel is a constant threat to international peace and is an ulcer in the chest of the civilized world. The Israeli Zionist terrorism has crossed the limits of atrocities and subjugation of Palestinians, killings and massacres, and the illegitimate occupation on the Palestinian land”. Liaqat Baloch, speaking in Lahore, called upon Muslims worldwide to support Palestinians and to take out rallies against Israel.

Pakistani religious hardliners have always adopted Jew-hatred as a way to sway the masses for years. In May 2021, Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali, a Pakistani politician and member of the National Assembly from the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal Party, urged the Pakistani military to initiate a declaration of jihad against Israel. During a televised speech on PTV (Pakistan) on May 17, 2021, he advocated for the utilization of the country’s long-range missiles, F-17 fighter jets, and nuclear arsenal in this endeavor and to wipe out Israel from the face of the earth.

Very recently, senior Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Meshaal have conducted meetings in Qatar with a Pakistani delegation led by Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman of Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Pakistan. Thus, the disturbing and deep ties of the Pakistani establishment with Hamas leadership are clear as day.

The rally held in Karachi by the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT), the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, was organized to express solidarity with Palestine on the day the Hamas attack commenced. As reported in the Urdu daily Roznama Ummat, the rally participants proudly waved Palestinian flags and were addressed by Bilal Jamil from IJT’s Karachi unit. In his speech, Jamil emphasized the significance of Baitul Muqaddas (Jerusalem) in their faith and praised Hamas for their attack on Israel, which he attributed to the spirit of jihad. He further stated that “Hamas attacked Israel simply out of the spirit of jihad and forced the aggressor state to move back. The people of Pakistan stand by their Palestinian brothers and Hamas. The people of Pakistan stand by their Palestinian brothers and Hamas. Hamas has proved that the spirit of the longing for martyrdom is heavier than every worldly weapon and technology.”

The ideological connection between Hamas and Pakistan, as well as their shared jihadist orientation, serves as the foundation for the growing relationship between the two entities. The Muslim Brotherhood, from which Hamas emerged, and the Jamaat Islami, the main organization of Islamic jihadism in Pakistan, are closely intertwined. However, the support provided by Pakistan to Hamas extends beyond this ideological link. Pakistan sees Hamas as a strategic fit for its aspirations to exert influence beyond its borders, overcoming the limitations imposed by geography, economy, and capacity. Due to these constraints, Pakistan, particularly Rawalpindi, where strategic policies are formulated and executed, opts for covert and sly methods to discreetly expand its influence without leaving any traceable evidence.

There is an urgent need for the global community to speak out and name and shame the Pakistani role in sustaining, nurturing, and terror outfits like Hamas. Such actions are very dangerous for international peace, security, and stability. Islamic Pakistan has been proven, time and again, to be actively engaged in terrorism either directly, in training terror groups, or even enabling them.

These activities are long-term in their impact; they go a long way to compromise the security of people around the globe. They create chaos in different parts of the world, where they terrorize innocent people, thus impeding the process of social and economic development. A country like Pakistan that backs terrorists cannot only harm its neighboring states but also its influence may cross borders to impact more distant countries.

The first step to developing a united global response would be acknowledging this truth. Such challenges require a collective response, which entails joint intelligence sharing, imposition of severe sanctions, as well as international cooperation to deny support to nations like Pakistan that sustain such terror groups. Also, the countries supporting terror should be held to task for bringing a safe and secure world to the rest of the global population. 

It is not surprising that Pakistan – one of the greatest sponsors of cross-border terrorism and a hub of global Jihadist organizations – contributed to the military build-up of Hamas. Islamabad’s support for the Hamas terrorists goes beyond simply lending of ‘moral, diplomatic and political support.’

The global Islamic terrorist ecosystem and its enablers, such as Pakistan, are indeed a grave threat to the whole civilized world. The Pakistani Army has always marketed the “romantic concept of Islamic Jihad and martyrdom” as part of its image-building exercise and to present itself as fighting worldwide for the glory of Islam.

The Islamic hatred for the Jewish people formally commenced and manifested into violence during the time of Muhammad when the Prophet of Islam brutally massacred hundreds of Jews and laid siege to the Jewish settlement of the Banu Qurayza.

Several centuries later, in 2023, the Islamic rogue nation of Pakistan is simply following and faithfully adhering to the Sunnah (a term that encompasses the traditions and practices of the Prophet, serving as a model for how Muslims should live their lives.) and carrying forward that legacy.

A cancerous and dangerous legacy in which hate for Jews and other non-Muslims in general is a common and very predominant overarching and recurring theme in Pakistani politics and religious and cultural life.

Enabling Hamas, Hezbollah, or any such Islamic Jihadi outfit by providing training, weapons, and technology transfer indeed makes the Islamic terror state of Pakistan directly complicit in the massacre that took away the lives of over 1500 innocent civilians on October 7, 2023.

Global forums such as the United Nations (UN), United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), Europol, etc should all recognize the role of Pakistan and hold it accountable. The growing nexus of evil between Islamic Pakistan and Hamas (and other radical Jihadist groups in the Middle East and South East Asia) needs to be monitored and watched more closely than ever before.


Discussion (English) on Republic TV regarding Raja Zafar ul Haq’s revelation about Pakistani Hamas terrorists.

Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali, a Pakistani politician and member of the National Assembly from the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal Party, urged the Pakistani military to nuke Israel

Senior Hamas leaders meet Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman of Jamiat-e-Ulema-e- Pakistan

Samuel Spencer


  • I never met one paki that was friendly in my life. They all seem pissed off 24/7. They hate Westerners of any type. I have met plenty of people from India, and they are smart and friendly to me. So, I will be friendly with the people of India.

  • Excellent article.
    Since I believe nothing coming out of the US government, I figured that the non-stop drumbeat of mantras against Iran is designed to distract from Pakistan’s involvement in the Hams attack.


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