A French court sentenced Afghani migrant Mohammed Rahman Arsala to a 15-year prison sentence for the rape of a 12-year-old boy, on August 25, 2018, in Saint-Brieuc. The pedophile’s attorney blamed the crimes on his upbringing in Islamic Afghanistan, where it is customary for young boys to become sex slaves for Muslim men.
The 26-year-old migrant who arrived in France in 2016 approached the minor in the middle of the day at a park in Saint-Brieuc. The boy had traveled to the park alone on a bus to ride on the zip line and toboggan.
While on the bus, Mohammad was seated in front of the child. He got off at the same stop as the boy, followed him, grabbed his arm, and dragged him to an abandoned house not far from the playground.
Four young female minors saw the rapist come back towards the park with his victim after the attack. According to the minors, they had also been accosted and bothered by the Afghan migrant in the past. When the girls saw the distraught victim, they called the police. In the meantime, the rapist disappeared.
Later in the day, the same young girls spotted the rapist near a shopping center and called the authorities. Police arrested the Muslim migrant shortly after.
Past Deviant Behaviors
The Advocate General, Grégory Martin Dit Neuville, requested “a heavy sentence” for Mohammed, whose past is riddled with disturbing sexual and criminal behaviors.
In April 2018, Mohammad invited a young girl to his home and threw her up against his wall. In July, Mohammad took photos of young children in front of a school in May. Also, in July, he was accused by girls of masturbating on a beach. While in prison, he had to be transferred to another facility after a female nurse reported him for inappropriate behavior. And finally, while in prison, the Islamic migrant was accused of sexually assaulting another inmate.
Islamic “Cultural Factor”
According to a report in the French newspaper, Le Telegramme, the Muslim migrant’s lawyer blamed his client’s criminal behavior on his Afghan culture, which normalizes pedophilia and raping young boys. For example, the tradition of Bacha Bazi, “boy play,” is widely practiced, which involves young boys being forced to dress up as females and dance seductively for older men. These young boys called Bacha Bareesh, or beardless boys, are typically owned by wealthy men and are regularly the victims of sexual assault and abuse.
The Defense attorney asked the court to “take into account the cultural element,” claiming that “because we are all the product of cultural standards, of a history, And he was born 100 kilometers from Kabul.”
Blaming The Victim
The Muslim migrant claimed that the child had consented to have sex because the boy followed him. Furthermore, he claimed the rape would have never taken place if he had a wife to satisfy his sexual needs.
The Afghani pedophile told the court he is willing to sign a document promising not to rape again. He also pleaded with the court to release him due to the “ill-treatment” he received in prison. The migrant complained he had already served too much prison time.
Despite the Afghani’s cultural excuses, the court found him guilty of raping the 12-year-old boy and sentenced him to 15 years in prison. In a rare decision, France will be deporting the pedophile migrant at the end of his sentence.
Great Replacement
Why is France welcoming Islamic migrants from Afghanistan who believe in sex with children and child sex slavery?
In a stunning speech in 2019, French Senator Stéphane Ravier slammed France’s left-wing “political class,” forcing illegal migrants into citizen’s communities. He explained that politicians shield themselves from experiencing their choices’ cultural, economic, and physical consequences.
Meanwhile, the European Union elites are using mass migration to replace European populations, referred to as the Great Replacement. Jean Renaud Gabriel Camus, co-founder, and President of the National Council of European Resistance, is a French writer known for having coined the phrase “Great replacement” — referring to the reported colonization of Western Europe by immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East.
Despite the effects Europeans are suffering from the horrific effects of mass Islamic and third world immigration, EU elites continue to use migrants to dilute host cultures, ensure votes, and seize power.
France: Islamic Migrant Sentenced to 15 Years for Raping Young Boy: Lawyer Pleads it’s an Afghan Custom……
Lawyer needs to read the Koran and other Islamic books. Islamic ideals on sex and sexual protocol is very warped, until one actually educates themselves on Islam they will never understand how warped and sick it really is.
I’m French, your article is quite right about what is happening here, it is quite true that the elites want to ensure votes with immigration, as more and more French don’t vote anymore.
Saw it all the time during my tour in Afghanistan. Another disgusting deviancy embraced my the lunatic leftists.
It wiil stop when the great replacement starts to replace the Elite and their Politican friends.
But by then it will be too late
Sex offenders are not accepted in any culture! There should be a mass cultural revival to educate males that they have to control or regulate their lust by understanding life is not about giving into criminal desires!
They have to be sensitized into respecting others anc recognize boundaries!
Read Bhagvadgita ! This text should be made compulsory ! It is not a religious text! It is the greatest manual for how we must all live!
Women should be leaders , leading societies that are particularly primitive and have not understood how to regulate their desires to be divinely human !
Human life is not about regressing into animal life!