INVASION: Terrorists and Criminals Infiltrate Military Planes Departing from Afghanistan (UPDATE)

Instead of countries immediately deporting these high-risk terrorist-tied individuals, they have remained in the West while governments decide what to do with them.

UPDATE #1: A convicted Afghan rapist deported by former President Donald Trump’s administration was reportedly brought back to the United States thanks to President Joe Biden’s massive resettlement operation out of Afghanistan.

According to the Washington Times’ Stephen Dinan, 47-year-old Afghan national Ghader Heydari was flown to Dulles International Airport in Dulles, Virginia as part of Biden’s Afghanistan resettlement operation where tens of thousands, and potentially hundreds of thousands, of Afghans, are being brought to the U.S. for permanent resettlement.

Following his arrival in Dulles, Heydari was flagged by federal officials after it was revealed that he had been deported from the U.S. in 2017 after serving time for a rape conviction.

(…) Breitbart


UPDATE #2: Up to 100 Afghan evacuees flown out of Kabul are on intelligence agency watch lists, US official warns, as it’s revealed one passenger flown out to Qatar has potential ties to ISIS.

According to the Daily Mail,

  • The Afghans are potential candidates for Special Immigration Visas (SIV)
  • They were flagged as possible matches to intelligence agency watch lists by the Defense Department’s Automated Biometric Identification System
  • The Afghan who has potential ties to ISIS was detected by security screeners at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar after they were evacuated from Kabul Airport 
  • The Afghan evacuees are being screened against law enforcement databases using biometric data including facial recognition, iris scans and fingerprints 
  • The evacuees are being screened by agents with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol 


While an unknown number of citizens from Western nations are still stuck in Afghanistan, several thousand Afghan citizens have already been evacuated aboard planes landing in the West. Among the evacuated are criminals and terrorists who have already been expelled from European countries and/or are registered on anti-terrorism lists. Instead of countries immediately deporting these high-risk terrorist-tied individuals, they have remained in the West while governments decide what to do with them.

Unfortunately, due to chaos at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan, the operations of identification of the Afghans before embarking on flights to Europe have been obstructed. Dangerous Islamic terrorists capitalizing on the chaos infiltrated military planes flying to western countries. Once again, the lives of westerners who are already struggling with migrant crimes are placed at an even greater risk.

Below are several of the European countries that terror-tied Afghans have been caught infiltrating.


On Monday, August 23, the German Interior Ministry declared that some Afghans who were previously repatriated because they had committed serious crimes had returned to the country on military evacuation flights. However, a spokesman for the German Interior Ministry tried to downplay the dangerous situation by adding it was just a “low single-digit number” returning back to Germany.


France has unwittingly repatriated Afghan refugees close to the Taliban. A man in his thirties, who arrived in France a few days ago via a military plane, is suspected of links with the Taliban, which he does not deny. The man is just one of several recently evacuated Afghans under surveillance for their suspected links to the Taliban.


A 23-year-old dangerous Afghan criminal arrived on a military flight from Kabul to Denmark. The man was part of the infamous Loyal to Familia gang and had been expelled from the country last year after serving a five-year sentence for possession of a firearm. The Afghan was arrested at Copenhagen airport after disembarking from one of the evacuation flights from Kabul. In court, he said he had boarded the plane “to save himself” following the capture of the Afghan capital by the Taliban.

According to the Italian news site, the Loyal to Familia gang was founded in 2013 by Pakistani citizen Shuaib Khan in the suburbs of Copenhagen and is the largest gang in Denmark. According to the police, he was involved in at least 63 incidents of shootings, which resulted in the deaths of five people and many more injured.


Two Afghan nationals who were deported after being convicted of crimes are now back in Sweden after taking an evacuation flight from Kabul.

Stockholm police have refused to release the details of the crimes that the men committed. A police spokesperson even lectured the public that she would not go into details about the men’s crime’s and they had already served their sentences to Sweden.

United Kingdom

A senior UK Home Office official revealed that five people on the no-fly list (a list of suspected terrorists) attempted to leave Afghanistan on British military flights. Four of them were detained before boarding, while one managed to be airlifted to Birmingham, UK.

The same official also stated that another person was intercepted in Frankfurt and prevented from traveling to the UK. According to British officials, there is a real risk that Islamic State militiamen will attempt to use the program to evacuate former Afghan collaborators and enter the UK. In addition, British officials at Kabul Airport warned that there had been a spike in fake IDs shown by Afghans before boarding military flights.


Italy was initially scheduled to evacuate several hundred Afghans. However, as of August 23, around 2,250 had arrived in Italy, and 1,300 others were inside the Kabul airport waiting to leave. Were the last-minute massive increases of Afghanis who were flown into Italy properly vetted?


As reported by the Flemish newspaper Het Nieuwsblad, an email from the Belgian police revealed that the Afghan refugees arriving in Belgium would include traffickers, extremists, recruiters, and violent criminals. In addition, according to the Belgian police, “some young Afghans (who are already in the country’s reception centers) are behaving very violently. Furthermore, there are Afghan groups on Tiktok whose content incites violence. Many individuals are engaged in Islamic religious recruitment and claim to be adherents of a strict Islam. The police went on to explain that the Muslims stated goal is to bring Belgium under Islamic law.

Islamic Countries Build Walls To Protect Against the Afghans

While Islamic countries are building walls along their border to prevent a new influx of refugees, the West continues to flood their countries with unvetted and criminal Afghanis. These unvetted Islamic sharia-compliant migrants welcomed by the left have been proven to have values and ambitions in staunch opposition to Western values and laws.

As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, this is part of the United Nations (UN) and European Union’s (EU) “Great replacement” scheme. EU elites, along with the UN, are using mass migration to replace the Western population. The illegal migrants are helping the left in their fight to dilute host cultures, ensure more votes, and consolidate their power.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Importing criminals, i.e., southern border, Afghanistan debacle, and rejecting legit refugees, i.e., Cubans, etc., seems to be a specialty of the Biden regime, along with lying.

  • This is why you don’t take in foreign persons from nations who refused to repatriate their own – like when Trump banned six nations from sending anyone here & got called a xenophobe for his logic – you don’t accept people you cannot send back to where they came from and then you don’t have to worry about what to do with them when you find you just let a criminal terrorist into your airport and cannot deport him.
    BUT – when they have a whole bunch of new ‘Made in America’ blank ID cards and machines to print any identity they want on newly stolen machines from secure US outposts in Afghanistan – it makes things a little difficult to know which are the wolves among the sheep.
    Thanks for nothing Quid Pro Old Joe – now take another vacation & eat some ice cream after all your hard work.


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