Heroic Acts
Kirralie Smith likes to label herself an “accidental” activist. However, we at RAIR Foundation see Kirralie as strong and courageous woman who saw terrible human rights injustices, animal cruelty, abuse of young girls and women, discrimination, terrorism financing taking place and refused to turn a blind eye. Despite threats to her life and her family’s, constant harassment from jihadists and liberals, Kirralie has spent the last seven years fighting to educate the public on the halal scam and the spread of sharia through food.
Kirralie Smith has become an acclaimed expert and leading commentator in the field of Halal practices. In 2010, she founded Halal Choices (halalchoices.com.au), a website educating and informing consumers about halal certification and the promotion of Sharia throughout the West. The web site is viewed by hundreds of thousands of people each year.
Kirralie has been featured on numerous television programs and documentaries providing commentary on issues including the Halal certification process and Islam. She is featured in the videos below:
Halal Certification: The Unpalatable Truth –
- Four Corners Australia: The Truth About Halal – http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/the-truth-about-halal-excerpt/6747126
- 7.30 Report Australia – http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/halal-certifier-sues-anti-halal-campaigner-for/8249584
- Today Tonight Australia – https://kirraliesmith.org/2016/10/halal-certification-stamp-today-tonight.html
Kirralie was instrumental in getting a six month Senate inquiry into the Third Party Certification of Food industry in Australia 2015. The Senate achieved bipartisan agreement that the Halal certification industry needed regulation and further investigation.
She was also subject to a 2 year defamation proceeding in the NSW Supreme Court when a leading Australian Halal certifier tried to sue her for defamation regarding comments she made in a video and subsequent speech. The matter was settled out of court in 2017.
Through her volumes of educational videos, speaking engagements, writing, etc, Kirralie has exposed the horrors and dangers of Halal by detailing the inhumane slaughter practices of Halal (Islamic slaughter) – the animals fight and gasp for their last breath while they struggle to stand while the blood slowly drains from their bodies.
Kirralie has conducted extensive research on Halal products and the link to terror funding. In her research and outreach to more than 500 companies, she has detailed the inconsistencies, corruption, intimidation, threats, misinformation and deception are rife within the Halal certification industry. She has also learned that the corrupt halal practice generates an estimated $3 trillion worldwide, much of which goes to fund terrorist organizations including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Kirralie is a proud and passionate Australian Conservative. Growing up in suburban Sydney, she always took pleasure in the sense of living in a safe community her parents worked hard to provide.
Kirralie, her husband of 19 years, and three children live in a rural farming community on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. She has an Associate Diploma in Applied Sciences; a Diploma of Ministry, and a Bachelor of Theology. Along with her husband, Kirralie operates the family business, and more recently the Founder and Director of Halal Choices Australia.
It is Kirralie’s desire to pass on to the next generation a safe, free and prosperous free world they can be proud of. We are thrilled that Kirralie will serve as RAIR’s expert on all matters relating to Halal.
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