Muslim Migrant TikTok Star Declares Takeover of the West: 'Sharia Law Imminent, Threatens Chemical Warfare for Non-Believers' (Videos)

“Breezy, the Don El Jefe” is a radical Muslim TikTok star. In a live stream on the platform, he threatened: “Soon we will bring Sharia law to Germany. There are so many of us here already. After Germany, it’s Austria’s turn.” For anyone who doesn’t take part in Sharia law, he has “only one word: mustard gas.”

“Breezy the Don El Jefe” is a small star on TikTok. He has 50,000 followers on his account, and some of his videos reach six-figure views. “Breezy the Don El Jefe” is a Muslim, 31 years old, comes from Turkey and lives in Tenerife.

His short videos about his attitude towards Germany are well-received by parts of the young Muslim community and are widely reposted. In a recent livestream with the user “Tesla Han,” Hatay said the following sentences: “The Germans will experience a nasty surprise. We will take their West. And when we’re done with Germany, Austria will come next.”

Hatred of Germany and the West

Threatening words, published and seen hundreds of times on a short video platform. However, Hatay has much more to offer than just such statements. In the same stream, a bit later, Hatay continues: “You Germans behave yourselves; otherwise, I’ll just say one word: Mustard gas” and mentions other violence that would threaten the Germans.

The user running the livestream then vehemently asks Hatay if he is proud to endorse such medieval methods. Hatay simply responds with, “We will make sure that Germany goes down the drain. There are so many of us here already. After Germany, it’s Austria’s turn.” 

In another video, Hatay speaks from Tenerife and issues a statement to all AfD (Alternative for Germany) voters. There he boasts, “Look, I’m on vacation here with your money. I behave as I want. Nobody can touch my balls. You can neither denaturalize me nor deport me; I have dual citizenship.”

In another video, he talks about how he is “enjoying a vacation on taxpayers’ money and has registered as unemployed in Germany.” In his latest video, he is seen bathing in Tenerife with the caption, “Soon we will bring Sharia law to Germany.”

Source: Apollo News

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • I really don’t like 3rd world heathens and their low IQ. if they only knew their intelligence was rated mentally retarded by western standards, they might not be so cocky about their so called religion of pieces and plans for world dominance. And do note, they don’t win wars by traditional means, they just keep popping out babies to grow up to fit the suicide vests they love so well.
    May they all be returned to the desert where they belong.
    Yep, I went there.

    • Don’t matter. It’s survival of the fittest–not the mokes with the most dumb college diplomas. Steadfast commitment to protect your culture by every means including violence has always ruled. Congratulating yourself on your spurious ‘superiority’ puts you on the wrong side of Darwin.

  • “Pro-Palestinian protesters shout ‘Allahu akbar’ outside of World Trade Center site”


  • DickTok Stars😝

    Incitement to violence. Terrorist threats with chemical weapons. Threats to topple governement(s) by violence.

    So, now the police need to pick up these inbred monsters, and prosecute them! Let’s go, get the men and round them up before taxpaying citizens die. It is your responsibility to protect your citizens.

  • “Mustard Gas” is two words, sissy boy. And we have two words for you if you try to impose your filthy cult on us: “Shark bait.”

  • The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was NOT to convince people he’s not real, it was to convince muslims that he’s God.

  • Breezy El Jeffe don Viento del Culo.

    You can tell by looking at him he farts alot. The beardo guy looks like he enjoys it too.

  • Islam must be proscribed as a terrorist organisation in the West and banned; send all those that don’t comply to any muslim country that’ll take them in.

  • Keep coming big boy. When you get to America the pickings will look good but American men will give you lead poisoning. When I see you I will be with my wife and have your punishment near at hand. Come on.

  • More than 50% of Americans are more stupid than the illegal migrants coming in. It’s the other 50% of Americans that are dangerous.

  • seems like the world domination/migration of islam should begin in ukraine. plenty of huckleberries in ukraine. islam and nazis are two peas in a pod. i doubt anyone will interfere with the attempted islam domination. islam inability for civility makes ukraine like disneyland. plenty of farm animals too. germany should institute a mandatory draft of migrants for men and women to serve 4 years in ukraine. start with social media post of da jefe and get the popcorn as millions of migrants go quiet. any intolerance of civility get gathered up and drafted. do the same in america and the border crisis is gone. solves a lot of problems of culture when your invested.

  • “Breezy, the Don El Jefe” is a radical Muslim TikTok star. In a live stream on the platform, he threatened: “Soon we will bring Sharia law to Germany. There are so many of us here already. After Germany, it’s Austria’s turn.” For anyone who doesn’t take part in Sharia law, he has “only one word: mustard gas.”



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