UPDATE: Ramadan Jihad: Horrific Murder of Two Hindu Children Shocks India: Accused Reportedly Slit Throats and Drank Their Blood (GRAPHIC WARNING)

This is a developing story that will be updated by RAIR Foundation USA as more information becomes available.

Update: March 21

Nazreen, Sajid’s mother, came to claim his body. She disclosed that after Sajid murdered the children, he confessed to her that he had killed the neighbor’s two sons. Nazreen mentioned the family of the two dead children were very kind and supportive of her son. She acknowledged that her son’s actions in killing the two children were wrong.

Sajid was buried amid tight security. Instead of Muslims lining the streets to denounce the jihadi who slit the throats of the two innocent Hindu children, hundreds came out to pay their respects.

Source: Jagran


“As per the autopsy, both children, Ayush and Aahan, were attacked with a sharp weapon multiple times. Ayush sustained 14 wounds on his body, while Aahan had 9 wounds. Sajid attacked both individuals a total of 23 times.

After attacking the neck, multiple strikes with a sharp weapon were made on the back, chest, and legs of both children. The leg wounds indicate that someone was running at the time of the attack and was struck at that moment.”

(…) Source: India TV News


Update: March 21

The second accused in the Budaun double murder case has been arrested by the Uttar Pradesh police. The accused, identified as Mohd Javed, surrendered before the police in Bareilly.

In a video shared by the news agency ANI, he says: “…I ran straight to Delhi, and from there, I have to come to Bareilly to surrender. I have received phone calls from people about what my brother did…”

Here’s a list of the new details emerging after the brutal killing of Aayush and Ayaan at the hands of Sajid and his brother Javed in the Baba Colony of Badaun, Uttar Pradesh:

  1. The accused’s family has monopolized barber jobs in the area and owns eleven such shops.
  2. All shops belonging to Sajid’s family were closed hours before the crime occurred.
  3. Sajid’s father is accused of deceiving the authorities about Javed’s whereabouts.
  4. OpIndia obtained information about Sajid and Javed from locals, indicating a conspiracy behind the murders.
  5. Locals became aware of the incident later despite living close to the crime location.
  6. Sajid’s family was evicted from a village in Upraila 20 years ago before settling in the Sakhanu area.
  7. Both Sajid and Javed appeared normal in general conversation and even wore Hindu sacred threads around their wrists.
  8. Some customers of Sajid’s shop initially weren’t apprehensive of his conduct.
  9. Sajid attacked and killed the boys while Javed waited outside on a bike during the crime.
  10. Babu, the father of Sajid and Javed, misled the police, claiming Sajid was at Javed’s place during the crime when he was actually present at the crime scene.
  11. Tiles outside the shop rented by Sajid and Javed feature images of Hindu gods and goddesses, although locals believe it’s just for show.
  12. Sajid and Javed frequently joined people during festivals and other occasions, according to local residents.
  13. The locals labeled the murders as a conspiracy and labeled the pair as terrorists.

Source: OpIndia


Update: March 20

  1. Identity of Accused: The accused individuals are Sajid and his brother Javed.
  2. Profession and Location of Business: Sajid and Javed operated a roadside salon shop directly opposite the residence of Vinod Singh, the father of the deceased boys, Ayush and Honey.
  3. Relationship with the Victims’ Family: The accused were known to the family of the victims. Reports suggest the family sometimes visited Sajid’s salon for haircuts.
  4. Interaction on the Day of the Murder: On the day of the murder, the accused duo visited the house of the deceased, where they made a purchase of 3 cultures (a type of hair clip for women) from the mother’s home parlor, paying Rs 45 for them. This purchase, followed by a request for Rs 5000, indicated a premeditated attempt to engage with the family under the guise of normal business interaction.
  5. Stalling Tactics: The accused used stalling tactics to keep the mother engaged and out of sight, under the pretense that Sajid’s wife was pregnant and needed hospital care, and by asking the mother to make tea. This behavior was part of their plan to create an opportunity for the attack.
  6. Sequence of the Attack: Sajid took the children to the terrace under the pretext of feeling unwell and wanting a walk. He then called his brother Javed to the terrace. When the mother returned with the money, Sajid and Javed, armed with a knife, initiated their attack on the children, manipulating the situation so that they could attack each child individually.
  7. False Pregnancy Claim: Sajid claimed his wife was pregnant and needed hospital care as part of his ruse to borrow money from the mother of the deceased. However, Sajid’s wife, interviewed by TV9, confirmed that she is not pregnant, exposing Sajid’s lie.
  8. Allegations of Black Magic: The mother of the deceased reported that Sajid had told her he had lost five kids already and that his kids didn’t survive. Coupled with the allegations that Sajid drank the blood of his victims, there’s a suggestion of a possible angle of black magic behind the murders.
  9. Escape and Encounter with Police: After the murders, Sajid fled the scene but was later surrounded by police. He fired at the officers, who retaliated, resulting in Sajid being killed in the exchange.
  10. Recovery of Weapons: Police recovered one country-made 315-bore pistol, 4 spent cartridges of 315 bore, and 4 live cartridges of 315 bore from the scene during an encounter with Sajid on March 19, 2024.
  11. Postmortem examinations of the deceased children were conducted, and their final rites were prepared under heavy police presence. The police have also detained Sajid’s father and uncle for questioning in connection with the murders.

Source: OpIndia

Update: March 19

The surviving brother, 8-year-old Piyush, gave his statement about the incident:

“I gave Sajid and Javed ₹5000 because one of the ladies in their home was pregnant. I also served them tea. Yet, they killed Ayush and Honey,” said the mother of the two kids.

The manhunt continues….

Original Article – March 19

In a disturbing report by OpIndia, a chilling incident shocked the Badaun district of Uttar Pradesh, where two minor Hindu children were brutally murdered, their throats slit with a razor blade, by two individuals, reportedly Muslim, named Mohammad Sajid and Mohammad Javed. The attack occurred on the evening of March 19, 2024, amidst the observances of Ramadan. This heinous act not only claimed the lives of 14-year-old Ayush and 6-year-old Honey but also left a third child, 8-year-old Piyush, severely injured, who is currently receiving medical treatment.

The incident unfolded at the family’s residence in the Civil Lines area, where the children were home alone as their parents were out. Vinod, the father, works as a water tank contractor, while his wife is employed at a beauty parlor. The accused, Javed, reportedly lured the children into their house under the guise of offering them food. Then he proceeded to lock them in a room where he committed the gruesome act of slitting their throats one by one with a razor.

It has been reported that the individuals targeted the children over a minor land dispute with the parents, but the police are still investigating. The children’s father evidently argued with the men a few days earlier.

Eyewitnesses and family members have provided disturbing accounts, stating that the Muslims not only murdered the children but also engaged in the dreadful act of drinking their blood. This barbaric detail has added a horrifying dimension to the already gruesome murders, sparking widespread outrage and protest from the community and Hindu organizations alike.

Javed, who, along with Sajid, is said to run a salon, was later encountered and killed by police during a confrontation. This action came after a manhunt was launched to apprehend the fleeing suspect. The law enforcement’s encounter with Javed ended when he reportedly attacked the police in an attempt to escape. The involvement of Sajid in this crime has also been highlighted, adding to the case’s complexity.

The brutal murders have led to rising tension in the area, prompting the deployment of a large number of police and paramilitary forces to maintain law and order. The local Hindu community, anguished and angered by this senseless violence, has shown their protest by targeting the salon associated with the accused. The allegations that the accused Muslims committed the gruesome murders during Ramadan have added a complex layer to the communal dynamics in the region.

The Inspector General (IG) of the Range has assured the public that a thorough investigation will be conducted into the allegations surrounding the crime, including the shocking claim of blood-drinking. As the Hindu community mourns the loss of two young lives, questions about the motive of the two Islamic men and the full extent of this tragedy remain unanswered. The incident not only reflects the horror of the act itself but also prompts a broader discussion on the safety of the Hindu community and the threats they face due to Islamic radicals.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • The pedohamhead (on the left) in that picture has a world-class monobrow. It looks like his queer buttbuddy plucks his monobrow better.

  • Javed, who, along with Sajid, is said to run a salon, was later encountered and killed by police during a confrontation.

    Two guys run a “salon.” They do the blow dry, yep. Naturally the homopedos hate kids. So they kill and eat them. Probably raped them when they were dead too. Can anyone think of a benefit to allowing these sicko degenerates into your country?

  • questions about the motive of the two Islamic men and the full extent of this tragedy remain unanswered.

    Demon possessed and psychopathic! —Does that answer the question?

  • Off topic:

    About 20 people(trannypedohomos)dressed in clown costumes protested Candace Owens(black female Conservative). Candace was staking her career on her assertion Macroniepoo’s geriatric transvestite pedo wifey.
    Homobama and Macroniepoo have something in common. They both boink titz-n-tallywhacker type men in the poopkooter.😝

  • Off topic:

    About 20 people(trannypedohomos)dressed in clown costumes protested Candace Owens(black female Conservative). Candace was staking her career on her assertion Macroniepoo’s wifey is a geriatric transvestite pedo.
    Homobama and Macroniepoo have something in common. They both boink titz-n-tallywhacker type men in the poopkooter.😝

  • The police killed one idiot. One down, one to go. Perhaps these pedovores are pals with Hitlery, PedoEpstein, and the Pedosta?

  • “Lindsey Graham doesn’t care about Ukrainians”



  • Islam is the most hateful murderous manmade religion on earth. It actually teaches to murder all non Muslims and yet every free country is inviting these sick people in and allowing them places in government. They will boldly claim that they are required to bring the entire world under their brutal false religion. Islam is a demon religion and citizens had better get the followers out of their country. You will reap what you tolerate. Your own governments are using this vicious religion against you.


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