Switzerland: Two Iraqis have a Bloody Knife Fight Outside an Aldi's Market (Video)

A graphic video shows the two men in bloodstained t-shirts fighting each other in Lugano.

Two Iraqis attacked each other in the parking lot of Aldi’s food market in southern Switzerland. One of the men was carrying a knife. A graphic video shows the two men in bloodstained t-shirts fighting each other in Lugano.

While one of the men was pressing the other to the ground, a female carefully grabs the knife and takes it out of the reach of the men. Again and again she shouts: “For God’s sake, you are human, you are brothers!”

One of the men is an asylum seeker, the other lives in the Lugano region. Why the two were fighting is sill not clear. The 36-year-old man who lives in the region, had to be taken to hospital with minor cuts.

You can follow Amy Mek on Twitter at @AmyMek, and on Parler at @AmyMek.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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