On New Year’s Day, the United States experienced an Islamic terror attack that has raised concerns about the potential resurgence of coordinated terrorist activity within its borders. The deadly strike in New...
In a story that feels ripped from the pages of a dystopian thriller, the driver of the Tesla Cybertruck that exploded near a Trump hotel in Las Vegas on Wednesday has been identified as Matthew Livelsberger, an active...
The West is undergoing a deliberate and systematic undermining of its cultural and legal foundations, replacing the rule of law with a revolutionary ideology.
The Asif William Rahman case reveals that no matter how outwardly assimilated a devout Muslim may appear, their ultimate allegiance to Islamic Sharia and the global ummah undermines the U.S. Constitution, making their...
Official documents reveal that governments have been deliberately altering weather patterns using toxic chemicals and aerosols, leading to catastrophic environmental and health consequences while keeping the public in...
RAIR Foundation USA sought the insights of Clare M. Lopez, a distinguished expert in strategic policy and intelligence with a strong emphasis on national defense, Islam, and counterterrorism matters.
Brad Johnson notes that the most serious potential indictment would be levied on John Brennan - conspiracy to commit treason which could trigger the recently reinstated federal death penalty.