In another chilling assault on free speech in Britain, renowned journalist Allison Pearson has become the target of a controversy that showcased the dangerous encroachment of state power, blatant press intimidation, and...
By withdrawing from COP29 and rejecting the 'leftist lie' of the climate crisis, President Javier Milei has positioned Argentina as a bold defender of national sovereignty, economic growth, and the fight against...
Eric Zemmour, leader of the French nationalist party Reconquête, recently shared his views on political resilience, stating, “In politics, one is never dead.” Citing the old adage, Zemmour referenced French comedian...
With government agencies paralyzed by bureaucracy, a determined Canadian trucker is leading a grassroots humanitarian effort to deliver real aid where FEMA and other authorities have failed, exposing the stark contrast...
In a new and highly controversial statement, Yuval Noah Harari, a globalist and chief advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF), has called for social media company owners—like Elon Musk—to be held liable for the...
On Tuesday, August 19, 2024, Elon Musk posted a quote from JFK regarding the United Nations’ stance on Freedom of Speech at its inception. This was most likely in response to threats from the European Union...
"I am solely convicted because other people posted memes that the judge labeled "hatespeech" and then argued I should have done more to prevent others from sending memes." - Dries Van Langenhove
The European Commission’s proposed measures against Elon Musk’s X platform (formerly Twiiter), ostensibly aimed at combating “disinformation,” have sparked significant criticism, particularly...
Javier Milei, Argentina's newly elected president, stands as an unyielding force against the political establishment, championing pro-gun policies, opposing abortion, vowing to sever ties with key trading partners China...
"They want trans-national legislation, climate transition, and a totally different kind of economic order, but they also want people to transform into something transhumanistic."
The capital of Austria has been hit with a wave of shocking rape cases involving migrant men, but a conservative politician in Vienna now faces a Twitter suspension simply for criticizing the police response to the...
The merging of humans with machines is being used to advance globalists' interests, reshape humanity, and gain complete control over every aspect of our lives.
Despite PM Trudeau's best efforts to slander the "unvaccinated" and freedom protesters, the Truckers convoy is poised to be the largest in history, garnishing international support.