"Remigration" is a bold policy concept originating from European conservative leaders, primarily targeting Islamic immigration, advocating for the return of migrants to their home countries to address the societal...
Germany's regional elections have ignited a conservative surge led by the AfD, challenging the political establishment and raising concerns about potential backroom deals that could undermine the democratic will of the...
The escalating fines and sanctions against conservative-leaning channels like CNews and C8 in France highlight the issue of free speech curtailment, with government-tied regulators like Arcom accused of stifling dissent...
Jordan Bardella, the 28-year-old leader of the National Rally, criticized the “alliance of dishonor” for ignoring the people's wishes and blamed Macron and Mélenchon for giving control of France to the radical left.
Known formerly as Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, she is the niece of Marine Le Pen, leader of the Rassemblement National, and granddaughter of National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen.
"I have been denouncing for years the consequences of your immigrationism, the activities of Islamists in my city, from those mosques affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood to the secondary schools financed by Saudi...
French member of the European Parliament for Rassemblement National (National Rally), Virginie Joron, railed against the waste and corruption surrounding Covid vaccine orders. Billions of Covid “vaccine” doses were...
A 16-year-old girl could not critique Islam without being threatened with rape, slaughter, or decapitation in Islamized France; she is out of school, under 24-hour police protection, and isolated from society.
A 16-year-old girl could not critique Islam without being threatened with rape, slaughter, or decapitation in Islamized France; she is out of school, under police protection, and isolated from society.
"These are fighting-age men who could and who should remain in their own countries, to defend them, to fight for their fatherlands, but they prefer to come to the coasts of Europe in hope of finding a social welfare El...
Okamura no longer sees a chance for Western countries to escape Islamization, "because Muslim cultures are steamrolling over them due to their birthrate."