Relentlessly hunted by Islamic terrorists, persecuted by Western governments, and vilified by media elites, Leader of Denmark’s Hard Line Party, Rasmus Paludan remains unwavering in his battle to stop Islamization...
"October 7 is a sign of what awaits us when Islam takes power in Western Europe," warned Beatrix von Storch, highlighting the massacre of Jews as a grim preview of Europe’s future under Islamic control.
A Muslim Green Party politician, Sanija Ameti, exposed the deep-rooted Islamic disdain for Christianity by shooting an image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, symbolizing the escalating war on Christian values in Europe.
France stands at the precipice, as Islam's 14-century war against Christianity now threatens to unravel the very foundations of Western civilization—through force, deception, and demographic conquest, the final battle...
Pope Francis' advocacy for what appears to be compassion through open borders is actually a dangerous agenda that threatens to dismantle Europe's Christian heritage and accelerate the continent's Islamization.
In 2023, nearly 14 Christians were killed each day, totaling 4,998 for the year, as a result of persecution for their faith, according to the 2024 World Watch List by Open Doors.
Rieu suggested the possibility of criminal mafias coordinating the illegal invasion or even the involvement of foreign powers with the aim of destabilizing Europe.
U.S. Democrats and their celebrity activists have never once promoted a boycott of the Islamic regimes that stone, execute and jail their homosexual citizens.
Deputy of Vox party RocÃo de Meer slammed the corrupt Socialist government for allowing a "first world" country to be "extorted" by "third world" countries.