EuropeNews Global Plot: Left-Wing Leaders Use Migrants and Coronavirus To Seize Power (Video) Migrants are being used by the left to dilute host cultures, ensure more votes, and seize power. Amy MekMarch 8, 2021
EuropeGermanyNews BREAKING: Inside Germany's Maximum Security Corona Jail For Quarantine Violators (Videos) Barbed wire and a security fence surround the facility. Prisoners live with metal bars on their window, a hard mattress, and are fed through a food flap in their doors. Amy MekJanuary 31, 2021
EuropeGermanyNews ALERT: Germany Opens Jails for Those who Refuse to Quarantine (Must Watch) Forced admission to coronavirus jails is made possible through Germany's controversial Infection Disease Protection Act (IfSG). Amy MekJanuary 19, 2021
News WATCH! Mainstream Leftist Party insists Germans wants to be Islamised (VIDEO) Mainstream Germany Party says Germans are not worried about a complete culture shift, they just want their pensions. Amy MekSeptember 12, 2019