In yet another capitulation to Islamic demands, Berlin municipal authorities have agreed to implement men-only swimming hours in public pools to accommodate Muslim patrons who insist women have no place swimming...
The annual Rosa Luxemburg march in Berlin has once again highlighted the dangerous alliance between communists and Islamic supremacists. This year, the march became a platform for violence, jew-hatred, and open...
Update: Monday, December 23, 2024 Alice Weidel’s Emotional Speech in Magdeburg: A Moment of Solidarity and Hope On December 23, 2024, Alice Weidel delivered a stirring speech in Magdeburg that left viewers deeply moved...
New Jersey’s largest teacher convention, led by NJEA President and Democrat gubernatorial candidate Sean Spiller, shockingly became a platform for the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)—a group with documented ties...
Islam and leftism employ parallel strategies—through Hijra and state mandates—to undermine Western freedoms and enforce ideological control, gradually dismantling individual sovereignty and reshaping society from within.
The October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel was a brutal, premeditated jihad by Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups, part of a larger Islamic war aimed at annihilating Jews, with widespread global support from Muslims...
Though often portrayed as a charitable endowment, Waqf has long served as a strategic tool for Islamic territorial dominance, allowing groups to seize control of non-Muslim lands under the guise of religious obligation...
MEP Hermann Tertsch fiercely condemns Islamophobia as a fabricated weapon of the left, designed to silence Europeans and force them to accept a cultural invasion that endangers the very survival of Western civilization.
Tomas Lundberg's trial is not just a legal battle; it's a decisive stand against the creeping imposition of Sharia in Sweden, as this Christian politician fights to defend Western values and national sovereignty in the...
In 2015, as the Syrian civil war triggered a refugee crisis in the Middle East, wealthy Gulf states, including the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar, chose to seal themselves off from refugees, fearing the...
With Islam being the second-largest and fastest-growing religion in the UK, coupled with the political ambitions of Islam and that it is the most practiced religion in the UK, there is a real possibility that the UK...
"Integration, as advocated by the Left, has clearly failed. The current situation serves as a stark demonstration of this failure. Those who arrive without our invitation show no inclination to even respect Italian law...
Italian news reporter Eugenia Fiore, who was injured in a violent attack by Muslim men outside a mosque in Roubaix, France recounted a policewoman’s chilling words at the station: “That’s their territory; if you had...
Many Americans and Swedes are questioning why radical Yasir Qadhi, known for his Islamic extremist views and terror-tied associations, was allowed to deliver lectures on Islam to young Muslims in Stockholm and Malmö...
A Hindu restaurant located in front of Osmania Medical College Hospital in Sylhet, Bangladesh, was targeted by Muslim jihadis on March 15, 2024, during Ramadan. The restaurateur, Rajeev Kumar De Raju, was physically...
by Uzay Bulut, originally published at Gatestone Institute, reposted with permission Incorporating Sharia Law into European Legal Systems” vs A State in India Bans Sharia Lawmakers in an Indian...
Muslims have put the free world on notice: if you insult Muhammad, Islam, their holy books, or even fail to consider Islamic law (Sharia) in all things, they will target you.
In the heart of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, a high school in Neuss grapples with a troubling trend as self-appointed Muslim students form Islamic Sharia Patrols, advocating stoning, torture, mandatory hijab...
"By Allah, all of them will be killed by Muslims. They all will be executed by Muslims. They will all be killed, this is a divine promise that will inevitably be fulfilled." - Imam Alhajie Jallow
In an interview featured in the 2016 French documentary “Salafistes,” an influential Muslim figure voiced strong opposition to secularism and democracy. He stated, “I don’t want to be a secular...
The impact of these violent and dangerous Islamic teachings is not confined to the walls of these schools. It spills over into society, contributing to a troubling rise in Islamic-driven antisemitic and anti-Christian...
“Breezy, the Don El Jefe” is a radical Muslim TikTok star. In a live stream on the platform, he threatened: “Soon we will bring Sharia law to Germany. There are so many of us here already. After Germany, it’s...
In a powerful exposé, journalist Julian Reichelt reveals the alarming crisis in Germany, exposing the consequences of open borders and mass Islamic migration as the nation grapples with Hamas supporters calling for the...