Abdul Qadir Mumin’s rise from a religious Islamic migrant preacher in the West to the global leader of ISIS exposes how Muslim leaders exploit Western freedoms and naivety to wage a calculated war against our values...
More than ten years ago, Brother Rashid, a former Muslim turned outspoken critic of Islamic ideology, released a video that carried a bold warning to the West. In this video, he detailed how Islam silences dissenters in...
As the Islamic State regroups in Somalia and jihadist propaganda fueled by the Gaza war radicalizes Muslim youth through mosques, online platforms, and unchecked hate-preaching, Europe faces an escalating threat of...
Despite relentless smears, Ann Corcoran spent 17 years exposing Biden’s refugee resettlement scheme, warning Americans that legal Muslim immigration was transforming our towns into Islamic strongholds, but her warnings...
Many Americans and Swedes are questioning why radical Yasir Qadhi, known for his Islamic extremist views and terror-tied associations, was allowed to deliver lectures on Islam to young Muslims in Stockholm and Malmö...
Mainstream US media outlets have embraced 'virtue signaling' about racism following the death of George Floyd. Yet, no left-wing leaders have vocally advocated 'Black Lives Matter' in Africa to raise awareness about the...
In 2023, nearly 14 Christians were killed each day, totaling 4,998 for the year, as a result of persecution for their faith, according to the 2024 World Watch List by Open Doors.
The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet. Hady Amr is a Beirut-born Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Biden Administration “Biden Sends Pro-Hamas...
The United Arab Emirates announced on Thursday, January 5, that it had arrested Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam in Sudan, the “most wanted human trafficker in the world,” during an international police operation...
“We demand” is the operative phrase used by CAIR to target people they want to destroy. CAIR’s cancel culture works on the famous and not-so-famous alike. The term “Islamophobic” is thrown around like so much confetti...
U.S. Democrats and their celebrity activists have never once promoted a boycott of the Islamic regimes that stone, execute and jail their homosexual citizens.