The charges against former Ontario councilor Harold Jonker are intended to send a message to other elected officials considering supporting or participating in similar protests in the future.
Topp, a 28-year member of the Canadian Armed Forces, spoke with RAIR Foundation USA about his motivation for spending four months walking 2670 miles across Canada to Ottawa.
Democracy has many benchmarks, and most of them are little known to those who live in them. Two of the most important, even if often overlooked, defining aspects of democracy appear to have been ended by the current...
"They just came in 500 strong, sound cannons, drones...they took me right away and then they started smashing windows and dragging guys out of their beds... " - Scott from the Freedom Convoy
What has always made the Western World the strongest was its respect for fundamental rights and a government that served the people, which Trudeau's government has abandoned. - MEP Cristian Terhes