ALERT: Iraqi Migrant Decapitates Young Swedish Girl - Hides Her Head in his Apartment (Watch)

The suspect, Tishko Ahmed Shabaz, was found unconscious in his cell with a note, “You will never solve Wilma’s murder. I decide on my own life”

*Scroll down to see videos

In a case that has shocked Sweden, a 17 year-old girl, Wilma Andersson, was beheaded by her Iraqi migrant boyfriend after she ended their relationship.

Six months after Wilma Andersson disappeared from Walkesborg in Uddevalla, prosecutors on Wednesday brought charges against her 23-year-old boyfriend, Tishko Ahmed Shabaz.

Shabaz is originally from Iraq and got Swedish citizenship in 2014 after having been in the country since 2006.

The indictment states that the police found Wilma’s head in Shabaz’s apartment. The teen’s severed head was wrapped in aluminum foil, secured with tape and packed in a bag. There was also a stuffed animal in the bag. The rest of her body has not been found.

In addition to Wilma’s decapitated head being found in a bag, police found traces of blood in the migrants living room and on a large kitchen knife. Neighbors reported hearing a woman screaming from the apartment and Shabaz was the last to see Wilma alive. 

Witnesses describe how he was jealous and controlling his girlfriend and had been violent in the past. Prior to the murder, In the summer of 2018, Shabaz also had texted Wilma that he wanted to cut her into four parts.

When police investigators told Shabaz in the interview they found Wilma’s body part in his apartment, he sat quietly for almost 27 minutes before asking to go to the bathroom.

When he saw pictures of the find, he replied briefly – It’s brutal.

According to the indictment brought before the Uddevalla District Court, Wilma was murdered on November 14, 2019.

The days after the murder, the boyfriend appears to have lived his life as usual. The investigation shows, among other things, that he visited McDonald’s with some friends on November 18.

Wilma’s mother and other relatives say that they confronted the boyfriend shortly after her disappearance, Shabaz claimed Wilma had left the apartment with her belongings, but the relatives saw her items still in his home. Wilma’s mother, Linda, saw her daughter’s coat and handbag still hanging in the closet, which she reported her daughter would have never have left the flat without them. 

Watch the following two videos Swedish news reports exclusively translated for RAIR Foundation USA:
Expressen TV: Video 1 and Video 2

Shortly after the murder charge was brought against Tishko Ahmed Shabaz for the murder of Wilma Andersson, he was found unconscious in his cell.

The prison staff found a bottle containing a suspected mixture of detergent, soap and water in his cell. There was a note left on the desk in his cell, “You will never solve Wilma’s murder. I decide on my own life”, according to information to Aftonbladet.

At the same time, the search for 17-year-old Wilma’s body, which has not yet been found, resumes.

Shabaz’s trial is due to start on May 26, 2020.

In recent years, Sweden has experienced a large influx of migrants combined with an increase in crime committed by, and against, women yet the politicians still refuse to close the borders to “asylum seekers.”

As previously reported by RAIR, one brave Swedish woman stepped forward and shared the effects that the country’s mass-migration crisis has had on her life:

Unfortunately, for Swedes who are living with this type of violence, assaults and intimidation on a daily basis, reporting truthfully about increasingly brazen migrant crime is one of those areas where the mainstream media is absent and the government will prosecute you.

Transcripts: many thanks to (we combined two news reports into one video)

Video 1:

In connection with a search using a cadaver dog in the residence, a body part was discovered.

This body part was well packed in a suitcase that was lying on a shelf in a closet.

And that is one of the decisive pieces of evidence as charges are now brought against 17-year-old Wilma’s boyfriend.

It was in November of last year that Wilma disappeared without a clue and police began a massive search in the Uddevalla area.

A search in which volunteer organizations such as Missing People and Fikk took part.

Police dogs were used in certain other terrains. The search was conducted with drones, and even the Marine Police were involved in this search for the disappeared Wilma.

The search produced no results. But early in the investigation, Wilma’s boyfriend was arrested, and in his apartment police made a discovery that enabled them to discount the possibility she was still alive. For in a suitcase was her head.

According to the prosecutor, the boyfriend is believed to have taken her life by “repeated blunt-force blows”, as described in the preliminary investigation.

He is charged with murder or crime against a corpse — and that means the evidence appears strong.

There is a technical discovery in the apartment. Blood track. Second track. Also tracks in the wrapping material around this body part.

The boyfriend denied the crime the whole time, but… He has no explanation. He knows nothing about this. He saw nothing and doesn’t know anything, you could say. His version of the matter is that she left the apartment and after that he knows nothing more.

And the entire large burden of explanation on this man will not lessen without his having much to explain.

Video 2:

Here Wilma Andersson’s boyfriend is at a McDonalds — shortly after the suspected murder.

Security video shows the now-charged man standing and waiting for his food.

The 23-year-old man is charged with killing 17-year-old Wilma and then cutting up her body.

Her partial remains were found in a suitcase in his residence.

Witnesses describe the boyfriend as ice-cold after Wilma’s disappearance, but at the same time he reportedly behaved differently.

His father described in an interview that the boyfriend suddenly became quiet and blunt.

And during the restaurant visit to McDonalds, the man’s friends reportedly asked him what happened with Wilma.

In a later interview, one of them said that the 23-year-old seemed subdued and unfocused.

According to the friend, the man said that he and Wilma had fought, and that he threw her out of the apartment.

The friends then reportedly questioned his story, but the 23-year-old continued to deny the act.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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