Austrian Politician Slams Left-wing Silence: 'Where are the Demonstrations' for Beheaded Teacher (video)

“Was the life of Samuel Paty really worth so little…?”

In the below RAIR exclusively-translated video, a former member of the Austrian parliament Gerald Grosz calls out the hypocricy of the leftist non-reaction to the terrorist beheading of French school teacher Samuel Paty in comparison to the leftist response to the death of George Floyd.

Gerald Grosz, an Austrian politician for the BZÖ (Bündnis Zukunft) and the FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party) asked: “Where are the demonstrations in all European capitals?” He continues: “Do the socialists and the Greens of the world no longer pay for mourning rallies on the occasion of the murder of an innocent, righteous person?”

Grosz, who refers to George Floyd as “a posthumously canonized victim in the distant USA” laments the lack of interest in the violent murder of an innocent History teacher, Samuel Paty, who was decapitated in broad daylight by a Muslim terrorist as reported in detail at RAIR. The reaction to Paty’s beheading is in stark contrast to the “hundreds of thousands of people” who screamed “‘black lives matter'” while pouring into the streets for George Floyd, Grosz.

George Floyd likely died from a drug overdose as reported at RAIR. A murder charge against Officer Derek Chauvin, who infamously knelt on George Floyd’s neck, was dismissed by a judge on Thursday, but he will still be tried for “unintentional second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter” in March.

The European media has become infiltrated and dominated by the hard left, just as in America.

“Was the life of Samuel Paty really worth so little that no one wants to defend any longer European values ​​such as democracy, freedom of expression, the separation of state and religion?” Grosz laments.

Watch the video here:

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation!

Gerald Grosz, Austrian politician and journalist:

Where are the demonstrations in all European capitals?

Where are the hundreds of thousands of people hiding who months ago — screeching “black lives matter” loudly — roamed the streets of our cities?

Where are the mourning profile pictures of the hundreds of thousands of celebrities, and those
who believe they are?

So, is the life of a French history teacher who, for our freedom of expression, our democracy
on our continent, lost his head, is worth less than the life of a posthumously canonized
victim in the distant USA?

When will the thousands of panel discussions from Anne Will broadcast into our hearts
about this creeping war against our values?

I don’t hear any words of warning. I don’t read columns that are miles long in the daily newspapers.

I don’t see millions of young people on the street who stand up for our culture, our democracy,
our freedom of expression, or the security of our fellow citizens.

Or is it already too cold for you?

Have your ‘Grandmothers against the Right‘ not yet made a bobble hat for you?

Do the balaclavas from the last time have spit on them, and are unusable now?

Did you run out of money for those painted cardboard signs?

Do the socialists and the Greens of the world no longer pay for mourning rallies on the
occasion of the murder of an innocent, righteous person?

A few thousand in France on the street, the rest of the vain Sunday democrats in Berlin, Vienna,
London, sleep and remain silent, are hidden.

Does the anti-fascist struggle make a distinction between the victims and the perpetrators?
I don’t get it.

Are demos only allowed against Mr. Climate Change and Mrs. Holle, only for George Floyd and
against the police?

Are your ideals actually divisible?

Was the life of Samuel Paty really worth so little that no one wants to defend any longer
European values ​​such as democracy, freedom of expression, the separation of state and religion?

Is the religious madness that is directed against us NOT fascism?

Are you all blind in one eye? Doesn’t it require the furious protest of all upright democrats
when violence is committed against us, against our way of life, against our values? The silence
of the stupid lambs alone shows how hypocritical the world has become.

it no longer matters what is said, but only who says it.

Obviously it no longer matters who dies, but only why one dies. The name of the victim of the
police violence dragged across the globe like a monstrance, the victim of Islamist terror will
be forgotten again tomorrow.

It makes me sick, this weariness, this cowardice,

this arrogance of those who believe themselves to be above others in morality and decency.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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