BOMBSHELL: Biden Team - Vaccine Mandates for Domestic Travel 'On the Table' (Videos)

Covid Czar Jeff Zients says Biden is ‘pulling out all the stops’ to fight the Omicron variant, including a massive booster shot pressure campaign.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Covid Czar Jeff Zients have both made it clear: Vaccine mandates for domestic travel is “on the table.”

Zients proclaimed that Joe Biden is “pulling out all the stops” to ostensibly fight against the Omicron coronavirus variant. One of the biggest efforts to stop the variant, according to Zients, will be to convince Americans to get the booster shot.

Bizarre New Narrative

The fear mongering comes just days after Biden said that Americans should not panic. In fact, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who discovered the variant, assured Canada’s CBC News viewers that symptoms for Omicron are “mild”:

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Even the subversive globalist World Economic Forum declared that “there is no evidence so far that directly links infection with Omicron with an increased need for hospital treatment.”

Watch Covid Czar Jeff Zients’ appearance on “CBS Mornings” Tuesday:

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Jen Psaki stated that “nothing is off the table” for potential Omicron mandates, including a vaccine mandate for domestic travel.

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Jeff Zients used the same language during an appearance on MSNBC:

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Author Commentary

The Biden team’s goals are clearly political and have nothing to do with science. But what is real reason for the hype over Omicron? RAIR readers will likely agree that the Biden team is strategically timing lockdowns to help them win the 2022 election using the same tactics that propelled them to “victory” in 2020.

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Renee Nal

Renee Nal is an investigative journalist and documentary film producer.


  • The libs love the vaxxes so much. I show my lib-friends these articles and they switch a little from “you should jab” to “you do what you want and I will do what I want”.
    That is all the budging toward reality they will do.
    All that will be left are the down to earth people. The snow flakes are getting weeded out.

  • Leftists are the bigoted, thuggish, lying, self-aggrandizing racist thieves of our lives, our liberties, our freedoms, our vote and our country.

  • Remember to ask for the mRNA vaccine bottle with the code number 1 containing only salt solution. Leaders, such as Biden & Co, are injected with salt solution only.
    Code number 2 is the real mRNA “vaccine”.
    Vaccine bottles with the code number 3 contains carcinogens, convenient to give to enemies they hate most.

  • Pulling out all the stops for a “variant” that is nothing more than sniffles, according to South African doctors.

  • This whole administration is out of control, and is run by exterior forces bent on destroying the land of the free and home of the brave. STOP listening to the Liar Dr. Fauci for one and Bill Gates for another. Get Biden (the lost) off of the world stage and back to his basement where he belongs.

  • Here in Rural America where all the “real work” is done–like farming, ranching, forestry, mining, we have a name for a machine that does all this Biden PR stuff:

    It’s called a MANURE SPREADER.

    They’re treating us all like mushrooms–keeping us in the dark and throwing manure on us!

  • (From Fox News) :

    “Get away from my family. Speak to me at my job. If I get hurt or harmed because of this, you are on the record for that, or my kids are f—ing killed,” Rollins told the journalists in the parking lot near her house. “Who do you think you are? This is private property. Get out of here!” ”



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