'Boo Hoo, Poor You': UK Muslims Throw Tantrum Over 'Blasphemous' Film (Video)

The goal of the left and Islam is to force all of the world’s people to submit to their ideology.

Muslims in the UK protested a film held in Blackburn that is said to provoke ‘Shia and Sunni tensions. It is alleged that the film makes a mockery of the “Prophet” Muhammad’s six-year-old child bride Aisha and his other companions. As a result, the film has been banned in several Islamic countries. Muslims in the UK hope to follow Muslim countries’ lead, ban free speech, and have the movie shut down.

British-made, The Lady of Heaven is directed by Eli King and written by Muslim cleric Yasser Al-Habib. Filming began in 2019, and the production was delayed due to the Covid pandemic.

It has now been released nationwide, including in towns with high Muslim populations such as Blackburn, Bradford, and Manchester, through mainstream cinema chains such as Vue, Cineworld, and Showcase.

Protests were also planned in other towns and cities where local Muslims are angry that freedom of speech is permitted. Muslim claim that the storyline ‘negatively depicts’ their “deeply loved Islamic religious figures” and goes against their “historical facts.”

About 25 people turned up outside Vue Cinemas in Blackburn last night (Friday, June 2) after 6 pm. One of their Muslim spokesmen led a chant that declared “Allah is greatest,” “Takbir,” while shouting through a megaphone.

The phrase “Allah is greatest” is referred to as Takbir and is used in religious rituals and during the Islamic battle of conquest. Takbir was first known to be issued by Islam’s Prophet Muhammad at the Battle of Badr on March 13, 624 A.D. It is also featured on many Islamic national flags, including Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.

When approached, managers at the cinema would not comment whether the film had been pulled but did say it was no longer listed on their website. They said an official comment would be sent out after the weekend.

There were suggestions that someone had brought ‘dozens of tickets’ and distributed them earlier in the car park.

Submission to Islam

Later, a spokesman for the demonstrators said the film would not be showing and ‘had been pulled.’ It is not surprising that the British cinema was concerned about the consequences of making Muslims angry. Muslims have put European countries and the rest of the free world on notice: if you insult Muhammad, Islam, their holy books, or even fail to consider Islamic law (Sharia) in all things, we will harm you.

After the 2015 Charlie Hebdo Muslim terrorist attacks rocked Europe, any writings or words critical of Islam made anyone a target for assassination attempts and intimidation campaigns. Fearing for their lives, most European institutions respond with self-censorship and submission to Islam.

The goal of the left and Islam is to force all of the world’s people to submit to their ideology. “Submission” is the proper translation of the word “Islam.” Submission will be accomplished through force or by voluntary conversion.

Leftist activists, politicians, and organizations assist this jihad on free speech by calling all who openly criticize Islam of being guilty of “hate speech.” This is a secular equivalent of “blasphemy” and is working its way into Western law.

Eight years ago, British writer Pat Condell warned westerners not to bow to Muslims when they claim to be “offended.” He addressed all of “the professional crybabies of Islam”:

Nobody cares about your feelings. We’re all sick and tired of hearing about you and your poxy feelings. We look at the trivial things that offend you, and the vile things that don’t offend you, and we have nothing but contempt for you and your feelings.

Free Speech

The independent film had already garnered a great deal of controversy in the build-up to its release. It has been banned in Shia majority nation Iran, where it was believed it might cause ‘divisions among Muslims.’ Other countries such as Pakistan called it ‘sacrilegious,’ and Egypt banned the movie.

For years, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has been working with Muslim nations and Western left-wing leaders to silence speech in the form of “blasphemy” and “hate speech” laws.

The attempt to enact special legislation to protect Islam in Western and secular nations is a joint Islamic and Marxist effort to stop any form of dissenting expression. Dissenting expression is typically any attempt to defend Western and especially American culture, values, and identity.

Should “Democratic” countries allow special rights for one group and not others? Islam, perhaps above all, embodies little tolerance for other religions – or even lack of religion. So affording Islam – or anyone – special rights is the death knell for a society based on equal rights.

Both Islamic law (Sharia) and Marxist thought are not just incompatible with Western culture but explicitly designed to be a destructive force to the Judeo-Christian values historically associated with the West.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • Out with all Islam shit from Christian countries!
    To shout “Allahu akbar!” must be banned in Christian countries, in the same way that to shout “Heil Hitler!” is banned in Germany.

  • Islam’s Qur’an requires the killing or enslaving of anyone that requires to convert to Islam. It’s not an option, it’s REQUIRED! IREFFUTABLE FACT!

    Islam is a murder slavery cult. It deserves no respect with religions of peace.

    All people should be at war with Islam, because Islam has been at war with all people since the 7th century.

  • Islam’s Qur’an requires the killing or enslaving of anyone that refuses to convert to Islam. It’s not an option, it’s REQUIRED! IREFFUTABLE FACT!

    Islam is a murder slavery cult. It deserves no respect with religions of peace.

    All people should be at war with Islam, because Islam has been at war with all people since the 7th century.

  • I think all muslims should go to their country if they do not like freedom of expression.
    However, what would be a reaction of Jews if someone made a movie negatively portraying Jewish religion and its prophets?

  • Born and raised in Luton, Bedfordshire until the age of nine. When the Muslim woman from across the road demanded that we get rid of our dog, or she would kill it…That’s when my mother said enough is enough. We packed up and moved to Canada.
    I flew back to England some years ago and that trip shattered my warm memories. I will NEVER go back to that festering s hit hole ever again.

  • Loving one another was Jesus’ one commandment he gave to us before he left. Hate never solved a thing; not surprising it appears to be the foundation of Islam and Marxism. As Christians don’t allow yourself be reduced to that level.

  • Apparently the Arabic spelling of ‘muslim’ is t-n-u-c, although I may have the order of the letters slightly mixed up.

  • Deport all muslims and then embargo all muslim countries. No imports, no exports. Pretty soon they’ll be riding camels again.


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