Thank you to the amazing Pat Condell, who released this video, “It’s Good To Be Anti-Islam,” over ten years ago. Condell is a renowned British writer, comedian, and outspoken atheist commentator known...
The observance of Muharram in 2024 highlights the ongoing Islamic takeover, marked by heightened sectarian violence, extremist displays, and the persistent threat to societal harmony, particularly in regions like...
The majority of Germans are increasingly fearful of the growing influence of Islam. Once dismissed as a conspiracy theory, Islamization is now becoming a reality. Experts assert that this development was predictable...
In leveraging the ongoing conflict, the Jami Mosque & Islamic Centre in Birmingham calls on the UK government to grant asylum to displaced Palestinians, a move critics assert is part of a broader strategy to exploit the...
The failure to prevent Muslims from occupying one of the most iconic symbols of the faith, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, is generating outrage throughout Europe.
France's trajectory is undeniably shifting towards an Islamic future, marked by its status as Europe's predominant Muslim nation and the annual influx of 400,000 legal Muslim immigrants—a transformation further shadowed...
In an exclusive video interview with RAIR Foundation USA, Jewish Canadian soldier Raz Hadar, the only vocal non-Hamas supporter at a terror rally, shares his experience just after his wrongful and aggressive arrest by...
Arif Nashriyaat is known for indoctrinating his Muslim audience to pick up weapons for the cause of jihad and kill all non-Muslim citizens living in India, which includes millions of Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's left-wing government’s open borders migration policies continue to have catastrophic effects on the country's safety and demography.
After Salvini voiced his support for Israel, he received an onslaught of violent death threats and insults from young "integrated second-generation" Islamic migrants living in Italy
"The German opinion-makers and politicians start sweating bullets on their foreheads just from thinking about a policy that represents national interests." - Dr. Friesen