“By their fruits shall ye know them.” -Jesus from Matthew 7:1 It is often challenging to determine the operational principles of a powerful entity, especially when revealing those principles undermines the...
by Fjordman – reposted with permission In February 2024, Norway’s public broadcaster NRK reported that rape centers all over Norway record more rape victims seeking aid. In the city of Oslo, the number has increased by...
Maxime Bernier takes a firm stance against gender ideology, stating that the PPC is committed to fighting the cultural war in Canada and believes that there are only two sexes.
A Muslim who is feeling sexually deprived pays an imam to perform a "pleasure marriage" between himself and a child or young woman in return for a cut of the fee.
Because it would be so terribly hot, France bans outdoor events. People are no longer allowed to think and decide for themselves but need a wise and good state to tell them whether they can go outside. In...
Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.
"Examples include widely shared memes which link falsehoods about vaccines to freedom and individual liberties." - Trusted News Initiative, December 10, 2020
"While Americans were focused on communist-driven violent riots and Chinese coronavirus tyranny, the most powerful players in the mainstream media were scheming to launch a coup against President Donald Trump..."
Left-wing media across the world have united in a collective attempt to attack Christian Hungary, their Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and anyone from his cabinet who dares to defend the government’s nationalist policies...