In a recent broadcast, Fox News 45 Baltimore brought Dr. Paul Marik, a physician and outspoken figure in alternative cancer therapies, to discuss an alarming spike in aggressive cancer cases among young adults—what he...
In a world where we trust the food on our shelves to be safe, an insidious threat lurks behind every bite—a threat that is silently poisoning our children and compromising their futures. Alarming revelations have...
Insurance people and the mortuary professionals are saying we've had a death rate increase worldwide of 25 to 40 percent,” said Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker.
"I studied medicine because I wanted to help people, but now I feel like I’m just watching them being killed, and I can’t do very much about it." - Dr. Ute Kruger
"Now doctors are saying that COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer, and not just at the site of injection, but throughout the body due to toxic spike proteins that travel to cleansing organs."
"The vaccine is not gonna work, early treatment has always worked, and government mismanagement of patients is why people have died." - Nurse Morgan Wallace