In a disgraceful display of so-called “justice,” the United Kingdom has unleashed one of its most dangerous female jihad terrorists, Madihah Taheer, back onto the streets. Taheer, who gleefully plotted terrorist attacks...
In another chilling assault on free speech in Britain, renowned journalist Allison Pearson has become the target of a controversy that showcased the dangerous encroachment of state power, blatant press intimidation, and...
Twenty years after Theo van Gogh’s murder, the West still hides from the brutal truth his death revealed: without the courage to defend free speech, we’re surrendering to a world where anyone who dares to defy Islam...
In the wake of the Southport massacre, where three young girls were savagely murdered and many more were stabbed by an attacker tied to Islam, the British media and government directed their focus not at the violent...
Dutch politician Massimo Etalle from the Forum for Democracy party warned of the consequences of an 'insane anti-Dutch policy,' emphasizing the financial strain with 'a gigantic tax burden of 60%' to finance a 'migrant...