"Submission under Islam is not a mere act of surrender but a conditional submission. Those who refuse to adhere to Sharia regulations, which inherently seek Islam's conquest and victory over non-Muslims, face severe...
Understanding the true nature of the Islamic line of effort and the organized left is crucial in developing effective counter-strategies, explains Major Coughlin.
In a heated video address, Member of the European Parliament Catherine Griset, representing the French party Rassemblement National (National Rally), has drawn attention to the European Parliament’s controversial...
The attendance of Senator Wahab and Assemblyman Essayli, both with known affiliations to CAIR, at the controversial event raises serious questions about their dedication to upholding the Constitution.
Marxist Councilmember Nithya Raman and the Islamic terror-tied group MPAC have teamed up to overthrow our Constitutional republican form of government without firing a shot.
The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet. Hady Amr is a Beirut-born Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Biden Administration “Biden Sends Pro-Hamas...
The attempt to enact special legislation to protect Islam in Western and secular nations is a joint Islamic and Marxist effort to stop any dissenting expression.
The animals Muslims will slaughter in Hamtramck, Michigan, for their torturous "religious celebration" must be Halal, a Jihad money-making scheme to spread Sharia worldwide.
According to police, Phil Haney gave his potted plants to his neighbor, but he left his sensitive documents, including thumb drives and his laptop behind, which were confiscated by the federal government
“We demand” is the operative phrase used by CAIR to target people they want to destroy. CAIR’s cancel culture works on the famous and not-so-famous alike. The term “Islamophobic” is thrown around like so much confetti...
During an interview with a terror-tied Imam, Jones admitted that he considers legislation in Ohio from the point of view of Sharia and Quranic law and not from the view of the United States constitution.
"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration." -- Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood
Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi who has multiple diplomas in Islamic Shari’ah from a Saudi school, has a long history of targeting Jews, Christians, LGBTQ, women, and Hindus.
"The move to target Germany's only conservative party is the latest in a coordinated global effort by left-wing powerful elites to eliminate all opposition... "