Germany is grappling with a concerning trend of escalating crime rates, with a significant portion attributed to non-German suspects, particularly among migrant populations. The recent killing of a 17-year-old Ukrainian...
The Sharia-adherent police uniforms, endorsed by the left-wing city council and championed by the Islamic Dutch political party DENK, which is operating on behalf of Turkey, represent a profound victory for Islamic...
In 2023, nearly 14 Christians were killed each day, totaling 4,998 for the year, as a result of persecution for their faith, according to the 2024 World Watch List by Open Doors.
While Germans are encouraged to adopt multiculturalism, Islam persistently strives to eliminate anything non-Islamic worldwide, raising the question of how the world would react if Christians were to control Ramadan in...
Father Samuel, undeterred by left-wing persecution, courageously forewarned the West about the impending threats posed by Islamic immigrants – a clarion call that now rings ominously true as we grapple with the...
While Islamic leaders’ outrage over Quran burnings at the UN may appear isolated, it is rooted in a broader initiative by the OIC to implement blasphemy laws worldwide.
Surrounded day and night by Danish security service bodyguards since April 2019, Rasmus Paludan's restricted personal freedom stands as a testament to the violent threats from Muslims, validating his point about their...
On Tuesday, Danish critics of Islam continued their demonstrations in Copenhagen, starting with burning the Quran outside the Egyptian embassy and subsequently outside the Turkish embassy. In recent days, the Islamic...
"Submission under Islam is not a mere act of surrender but a conditional submission. Those who refuse to adhere to Sharia regulations, which inherently seek Islam's conquest and victory over non-Muslims, face severe...
In a gripping turn of events, Italian special forces launched a daring operation to rescue a Turkish cargo vessel, Galata Seaways, which had been seized by a group of illegal immigrants off the coast of Naples. The...
Esra Erdogan's emergence as a vocal advocate for Islamic dominance and staunch critic of the West and Christianity raises concerns about a significant global threat.
Kahf is the former Board Chairwoman of Hamas-linked CAIR in New Jersey and the current Chairwoman of a Muslim Brotherhood-founded Mosque led by an Imam who was arrested and convicted of being a member of Hamas.
These seemingly small concessions that Western countries like the UK make are strategic wins in Islam's more significant battle to conquer non-Muslim countries.
Last week Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced the Italian government is introducing prison sentences ranging from 20 to 30 years for human traffickers who cause the deaths of migrants as a part of new...
Mikail Yüksel, leader of Sweden’s Turkish-tied Muslim party, Nyans, is ecstatic that Adidas is fighting against ‘Islamophobia,” celebrating Ramadan and promoting Sharia.
“Kill them wherever you meet them. If you are a tradesman, use a nail gun to nail the heads and crucify them on woodwork. If you are a truck driver, run over them until their streets are washed with their filthy blood...
The Stockholm police have launched a special event to deal with a growing threat from Muslims after the burning outside the Turkish embassy on January 21, 2023. The police will increase security at “symbolically...