Canadian activist Chris Elston, also known as “Billboard Chris,” was recently attacked by a group of individuals in Vancouver. Elston, a champion of protecting children from state sexual interference, was in...
"Not only is this a showing of support for the Dutch farmers, but also a warning to [Prime Minister] Justin Trudeau that if he tries to bring these policies to Canada, there will be an equivalent uprising to the one...
Topp, a 28-year member of the Canadian Armed Forces, spoke with RAIR Foundation USA about his motivation for spending four months walking 2670 miles across Canada to Ottawa.
The Soviet Union often claimed that dissidents had "mental issues" and would lock them up in asylums, keep them drugged, and eventually they would die.
The very few Canadian news outlets who did choose to cover this story expressed more outrage over Lasarev's questioning of the government's coronavirus response than the violent attack.