Shelby Swan: A Case Study

Americans should be very skeptical about the agenda being promoted by the mainstream media, which do not reflect the values of citizens, but of radical activists and Anti-American communists.

RAIR Foundation USA has reported on how militant, pro-China communist organizations Anakbayan-USA, the Party of Liberation and Socialism (PSL), and the Revolutionary Communist Party seized on the Atlanta Massage Parlor massacre last month in order to promote their agenda. These groups have been given cover and legitimacy by the mainstream media, who happily present the communist activists as grassroots Americans.

These radical groups are furthering the ridiculous lie that citizens are attacking Asian Americans on the street because President Trump used the phrase “China Virus.” RAIR warned about this narrative last April, as it stems from a Maoist group called “Liberation Road,” yet another subversive communist organization.

In yet another example of media posing as activists, People Magazine (and others) featured numerous photos highlighting a woman identified as Shelby Swan wearing a shirt that says “Good Trouble,” the phrase largely associated with radical leftist activist-turned-Congressmember John Lewis. The phrase gives activists cover for their destructive behavior, justifying disruptive and even illegal actions purportedly done for the greater good. The phrase “the ends justifies the means” is an illustration of the concept.


John Lewis was arrested repeatedly for “charges like resisting the peace, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.” The left wears their arrests proudly, like a badge of honor.

Civil Rights Leader John Lewis Never Gave Up Or Gave In : NPR
John Lewis Proud of Getting Arrested

RAIR Foundation USA has reported on the Clinton-tied group “Party Majority PAC” that harassed Republicans, including Senator Rand Paul and his wife, after the Republican National Convention at the White House on August 27, 2020. They provided militant leftists with signs saying “Good Trouble.”


Not surprisingly, Shelby Swan appears to be a part of a larger organized group of anti-Second Amendment activists. was not there to comfort one another as a spontaneous response to a brutal crime, but rather appeared to exploit a tragedy for their anti-Second Amendment agenda.

Shelby Swan front, with “vote” mask

The mainstream media repeatedly took photos of Shelby Swan, as she posed with her various political messages.

 Shelby Swan holds a sign of solidarity outside a spa where four people were shot and killed.
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Americans should be very skeptical about the agenda being promoted by the mainstream media, which do not reflect the values of citizens, but of radical activists and Anti-American communists.

Renee Nal

Renee Nal is an investigative journalist and documentary film producer.

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