Spain At War: Migrants Storm Border Fence, Overpower Guards (Video)

“Spain is not protecting its sovereignty. It is not protecting Spaniards, and it is not protecting the doors and walls of its house,” stated Deputy of Vox party, Rocío de Meer

On July 12, 2021, more than 200 illegal sub-Saharan Africans tried to illegally penetrate the border fence in Melilla, a Spanish enclave in North Africa bordering Morocco. A total of 119 male migrants violently overtook Spanish Civil Guard agents and successfully entered the country. Five guards were injured in the latest assault on Spain’s borders.

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Instead of Spain’s socialist-led government immediately deporting the illegals, they transferred them to the Centre for the Temporary Stay of Immigrants (CETI). The illegals will be quarantined at the CETI to guard against possible coronavirus infection. Unfortunately, most of the CETI centers are overrun and unable to handle the capacity of illegals pouring into Spain. The situation has only been exacerbated by the onset of Coronavirus, which has pushed the migrant reception systems to a dangerous breaking point.

Melilla has seen many violent attacks and incidents over the last several years. In addition, as reported previously by RAIR, each year, thousands of often dangerous migrants try to scale Melilla’s border fence and invade Spain’s shores in the hopes they won’t be returned and will get asylum.

The last major entry attempt on the border perimeter of Melilla was on June 15, 2021. Over 20 officers were injured by stone-throwing violent migrants trying to break into Spain:

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There is no negative consequence for migrants trying to make their way to Spain. Once they scale the border wall and invade the country, they are handed food, clothing, money, and shelter. Under Spain’s Socialist-led government, all asylum applications must be considered. Those denied asylums are rarely deported and instead make their way to the other 26 European Union states.

Many Illegal migrants who are violently breaking into Spain are extremely dangerous people with values and ambitions in staunch opposition to Western values and laws.

Deputy of Vox party, Rocío de Meer, has previously slammed Spain’s socialist-led government for not protecting its borders or citizens. “Spain is not protecting its sovereignty. It is not protecting Spaniards, and it is not protecting the doors and walls of its house,” stated the deputy leader.

As reported previously by RAIR Foundation USA, Left-wing Western leaders continue to open their borders to mass migration while imposing harsh coronavirus lockdown measures on their own citizens. Migrants are being exploited by the left to dilute host cultures, ensure more votes, and consolidate power.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist


  • These are not just migrants, they are humain beings who are living with the consequences of globalists policies in their countries. They are victims of the same enemy you are facing in the west. So helping them get their countries back will help you get yours back. Unless you want to go on supporting globalists by taking advantage of african land, then you are an accomplice.

    • Agree that they are victims of the globalists. Thanks for that important point. In fairness, they would probably get more sympathy if they did not attack border guards.

    • As we enter the end of mans rule on this earth more violence and suffering will occur. I am 78 years old and have been warning others since the 1960s. They though I was crazy then….no now.
      We have been forewarned this would occur and what is coming next.
      When you have time visit my site which started as a letter to my children.
      Your money has no value there….nothing buy…’s about knowing for yourself.
      Best to all and your loved ones.


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