The Kouachi brothers did not just succeed in physically silencing Charlie Hebdo's journalists in 2015; they have successfully imposed sharia and silenced an entire national culture.
Despite the West's “false and deceptive freedom of speech” they will never be able to stop "the advance of Islam" proclaimed the Hizb ut Tahrir spokesman.
"Let’s remember that these terrorists, these criminals, these murderers don’t represent any religion, or any Muslims here in Canada or around the world." - Justin Trudeau on the recent French Islamic beheadings and...
As one Charlie Hebdo journalist stated, “The more of us who choose to stay silent, the more dangerous it becomes for the few who continue speaking out.”
Zemmour argued that dangerous foreign migrant forces, most of which are Islamic, have seized control of several French suburbs, also known as no-go zones.
Despite the violent attack and having to live under the daily threat of death, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has denied his many requests for help.
Despite the Insults, threats of public lynching, burning her alive, throwing acid on her, rape, and death threats, the Delegate General of the French council of the Muslim faith thinks Mia had it coming.