During Robert Mueller's tenure as FBI Director (2001-2013), and with the support of the Obama administration, he collaborated with groups linked to Islamic terror-tied organizations to purge all training materials...
As seen last week in open borders Germany, where an Afghan refugee deemed ‘well integrated’ stabbed Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger and killed a young German police officer, will the Biden administration act shocked...
According to police, Phil Haney gave his potted plants to his neighbor, but he left his sensitive documents, including thumb drives and his laptop behind, which were confiscated by the federal government
"...the FBI didn't plan and carry out the January 6 attack, wearing masks doesn't give you Covid, public health measures are not a secret effort to displace the white race..." - DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis...
"What a slap in the face that this man is swearing on a Bible to defend America against foreign and domestic enemies as he plans to flood the borders with illegal aliens."
It is unfathomable that after five months, Americans still do not know whether Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower Philip Haney's violent death is a murder or suicide investigation.