In a narrative rapidly becoming the new normal in Islamized France and across the Western world, a French woman, who had just emerged from 15 hours of labor delivering a child, was denied her dinner by a Sharia...
The Sharia-adherent police uniforms, endorsed by the left-wing city council and championed by the Islamic Dutch political party DENK, which is operating on behalf of Turkey, represent a profound victory for Islamic...
"Religious Islamic demands are multiplying, and we yield to these demands every day, every week, every month, every year, gradually giving up ground. This process of gradual capitulation is not a conspiracy, but rather...
In a video that has rapidly gone viral in France, a disturbing incident has come to light, exposing a shocking act of violence against a young French girl. The incident, which has garnered widespread condemnation on...
In his provocative new book, Jakob Wiren, a confidant of the controversial Archbishop Antje Jackelen, boldly asserts that the Church should recognize Mohammed as a prophet.
The success of Geert Wilders’ party in the Netherlands hinges, in part, on its strategic approach towards Islam. Other states have implemented bans as a proactive measure to prevent Islamization. The resounding...
Geert Wilders is forced to live within bomb-proof walls and under round-the-clock protection in specially fortified safe houses, a stark testament to voters' significant concerns about the impact of Islamic immigration...
“When politically correct, tolerant, and multicultural societies yield to the demands of Muslims by granting them privileges, the process of Islamization within a country begins. Here’s how it works: As long...
Moscow, September 2, 2023 – Russia has embarked on a groundbreaking two-year pilot program introducing Islamic banking for the first time, aiming to explore the feasibility of this financial system. The...
Archbishop Lefebvre's prophetic warning to the French to ask the government to stop Islam, based on his belief that the two religions could not coexist, resulted in persecution, yet his prescient message now resonates...
The streets of Birmingham have been transformed into a violent battleground as Muslims unleashed their fury on West Midlands Police and Birmingham City Council during Ramadan. The authorities attempted to address the...
These seemingly small concessions that Western countries like the UK make are strategic wins in Islam's more significant battle to conquer non-Muslim countries.
Muslims have put the free world on notice: if you insult Muhammad, Islam, their holy books, or even fail to consider Islamic law (Sharia) in all things, they will harm you, and no exceptions will be made for children or...
Despite the Milli Görüs mosque’s refusal to disassociate from extremism, the left-wing Greens Party mayor of Strasbourg, Jeanne Barseghian, and their radical council, offered them a €2.5 million grant to help with...
Despite the UK government, police, and radical left's harassment and threats, Robinson never stops fighting to expose the enemies of western civilization.