A viral video circulating on X captures the moment when Lily Tang Williams, a Chinese immigrant, gun owner, and communist survivor, challenged left-wing activist David Hogg during an open mic session. Williams, also a...
"I absolutely believe that there is no reason under any circumstances, any human being should be denied the human right of self-defense that we have in the United States guaranteed to us under the Second Amendment." ...
Javier Milei, Argentina's newly elected president, stands as an unyielding force against the political establishment, championing pro-gun policies, opposing abortion, vowing to sever ties with key trading partners China...
Bill C-21's legislative changes, coupled with the existing Bill C-5, create a malevolent synergy that empowers woke judges to raise maximum firearm sentences, infringe upon due process and presumption of innocence, and...
The world is at a crossroads, and America is on the precipice losing all the liberties we inherited from our forefathers. Will we overcome the divisions like those of the 13 colonies? Or will we fall victim to the...