Who Killed Ashli Babbitt?

Americans deserve answers.

Ashli Babbitt was an unarmed white patriot who was killed by an unidentified black officer in the Capitol on January 6, 2021 in what has been officially ruled a homicide. If she was a black criminal who was killed while fighting with a white police officer, there would have been protests and perhaps riots in her name. It has been months since her death and Americans still do not have answers.

In February, it was reported that there will not likely be charges held against the Capitol Police officer who killed the unarmed woman. Notably, in all the talk of the “riot” at the Capitol, that police officer is the only one who fired a shot that day.

It should be noted that there has not yet been a cause of death revealed for Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, whose death has been used by installed puppet Joe Biden as a battering ram against Trump supporters.

On Twitter, people are starting to ask the question loudly.

Americans deserve answers.

See RAIR Foundation USA’s coverage of the events that took place on January 6, 2021:

RAIR Foundation


  • Cold blooded murder and NO consequences!!!! No Trial???? No Investigation?? REALLY? THESE DOUBLE STANDARDS HAVE TO STOP!!! Speak up people.. Stop being silent. WE ARE THE PEOPLE…We Pay their salaries!!!


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