United Kingdom: 'Refugees' Demand Hotels, Set Fire To Barracks - after Threatening and Kidnapping Staff (Video)

It is now commonplace in Europe for migrants to destroy their temporary housing facilities when they become disenchanted with their free accommodations.

Please see the following from the Daily Mail:

“Police launch arson investigation as migrants set fire to Kent army barracks ‘after being told they would no longer be transferred to hotels after Covid outbreak’ – as Priti Patel calls incident ‘deeply offensive.

The Home Secretary strongly condemned the unrest at Napier Barracks in Folkestone, Kent, and police launched a probe after the disturbance, which reportedly broke out when migrants were told they would no longer be transferred to hotels following a Covid outbreak.

Ms. Patel described the behaviour of those involved as ‘deeply offensive to the taxpayers of this country’ and said it was an ‘insult’ to suggest the site, formerly home to British soldiers, was ‘not good enough’ for asylum seekers.”

Dozens of firefighters rushed to the scene as huge flames can be seen engulfing at least one of the buildings:

From the article:

“…It is believed that the incident started in the dining room of the establishment, where asylum seekers began to turn tables…


“According to some sources, staff were barricaded in a room, although they managed to break free, while windows were smashed and a building was set on fire.”

Daily Mail

It is now commonplace in Europe for migrants to destroy their temporary housing facilities when they become disenchanted with their free accommodations. See previous examples by RAIR Foundation USA here, here, here, here and here.

Amy Mek

Investigative Journalist

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