On Friday, June 4, in the center of Nantes, France, a 27-year-old Islamic Algerian migrant armed with a screwdriver attacked six passers-by. A security guard, Salimou Guirassy, was able to overpower the migrant before the police arrested him. At least two people were seriously injured after being stabbed in the chest and the other in the throat.
People were running and shouting, and I saw the man holding something in his hand and trying to hit passers-by, the 38-year-old security guard recounted. Armed with a tear gas canister, he does not hesitate to stop the jihadi. “I had to stop him; he was attacking everyone,” Salimou said. “I didn’t think about it; I just said to myself: I have to go before he kills someone. I ran with the tear gas canister, told people to get out of the way and gas him.”
Salimou instructed him to put down his weapon, but the Algerian did not comply. The migrant “had weird eyes and looked very angry,” explained Salimou. The security guard gassed and pinned him down with other men until police arrived.
Media Formula For Protecting Muslim Supremacists
French left-wing media quickly deployed their formula for protecting Islamic supremacists. First, they reported: “he is not a terrorist,” despite police announcing they do not yet know the migrant’s motives. Next, they suggested the migrant could be suffering from “psychological issues.” However, a hospital released him to police after confirming he did not have a mental illness. And finally, paint the terrorist as a poor, exhausted migrant suffering from discrimination and stress from his illegal journey to the new host country. As one French media outlet reported,
While he seemed to strike at random, according to several witnesses, he explained to police that he had done so because he felt threatened, reveals a source close to the investigation. During his hearing, the migrant also detailed his difficult journey from his country of origin to Italy, then through various European countries, before having his passport stolen in Paris, then arriving in Nantes.
A dangerous media narrative doesn’t allow for any healthy discussion or reasonable policy concerning mass Islamic immigration to Europe or the West. The media consistently acts as an attorney to defend jihadis and, Islamic ideology that motivates these attacks.
Islamic attacks across France are part of a new normal in a country struggling with mass illegal migration. France is the main Islamic country in Europe, with 8.8% of its population now being Muslim. According to Gatestone, Islam is the second-largest religion in France but comes first if one counts active practitioners.
Muslim and the Left Silence Islamic Critics
Muslim supremacists and the Left have put all of France and the rest of the free world on notice: if you insult Muhammad, Islam, their holy books, or even fail to consider Islamic law (Sharia) in all things, we will harm you.
In France, accusations of alleged Islamophobia by the left and Muslims have resulted in citizens being slaughtered, live in hiding, lose their careers, and live every day of their lives with targets on their backs.
As reported at RAIR, the tactics of leftist and Islam coordination has a name: the Red/Green Axis: “Communists and Islamic Supremacists have a long history of uniting to destroy their common enemy: those who believe in sovereignty and individual freedom.” To achieve their own goals, they use one another until their goals are achieved, and only at that time will they “turn on one another and, in the end, fight to destroy the other.”
After the 2015 Charlie Hebdo Muslim terrorist attacks rocked France, any writings or words critical of Islam make anyone a target for assassination attempts and intimidation campaigns. Many French politicians, media, and businesses fearing for their lives respond with self-censorship and submission to Islam.
Since the Hebdo attacks, the magazine survivors remain under police protection. From Laurent Sourisseau, the publishing director and majority owner of Charlie, to survivor Zineb el Rhazoui, a French-Tunisian intellectual and journalist. Philippe Val, the former director of Charlie Hebdo who decided to publish the Mohammed cartoons in 2006, also remains under police protection.
French teachers, politicians, LGBT activists, cartoonists, clergy, movie stars, academics, intellectuals, novelists, writers, journalists, among others, have been threatened and/or targeted for death because they dare to say something that upsets a Muslim.
In 2020, French schoolteacher Samuel Paty was beheaded after the father of one of his female Muslim students, and an Imam ran an online campaign against him for blasphemy against Muhammad. Paty showed students a cartoon by Charlie Hebdo during a class discussion about the Islamic attack. Investigators found the men’s smear campaign led to an 18-year-old Chechen Muslim refugee beheading him outside the school.
As previously reported at RAIR Foundation USA, since February 2021, Didier Lemaire, a teacher for twenty years in France, must live under 24-hour police protection. Also, he must leave his profession after his life was threatened for honoring the memory of the beheaded history teacher, Samuel Paty, and defending the Republic’s values. Instead of denouncing the threats of violence against the philosophy teacher, Ali Rabeh, the Muslim mayor of Trappes, further incited those threatening his life.
In March 2020, two University Professors at the Grenoble Institute of Political Studies (IEP) in eastern France had to be placed under 24-hour police protection after being smeared as “Islamophobes” and “fascists.” The teachers’ lives are under threat after an Islamo-leftist student group, the National Union of Students of France (UNEF), led a dangerous campaign against the professors for simply trying to question the concept of “Islamophobia.”
Since January 2020, a French gay teen girl, ‘Mila,’ has been threatened with murder, rape, and torture by Muslims for several years after criticizing Islam. Mila has had to live under 24-hour police protection. According to her lawyer, she receives about 30 hate messages a minute.
French philosopher and journalist Eric Zemmour lives under police protection since the attack on Charlie Hebdo. “Two policemen follow him wherever he goes — including to court, where Muslim organizations tried to defame him and his work by accusing him of “Islamophobia” to silence him,” reported Gatestone.
Also, Michel Houellebecq, author of the novel “Submission,” has lived under the police’s protection since he published his last novel in 2015. Along with, Frédéric Haziza, a radio journalist and author for the magazine Le Canard Enchaîné.
According to Gatestone, Mohammed Sifaoui, who lived undercover in a French cell of al Qaeda and wrote the book, Combattre le terrorisme islamiste (“Combat Islamist Terrorism”), lives under police protection. His photo and name appear on jihadi websites next to the word murtad (“apostate”).
The Kouachi brothers did not just succeed in physically silencing Charlie Hebdo’s journalists in 2015; they have successfully imposed sharia and silenced an entire national culture. Those who risk their lives
The goal of the left and Islam is to force all of the world’s people to submit to their ideology. “Submission” is the meaning of the word “Islam.” Submission will be accomplished through force or by voluntary conversion.
The French media are written by ignoramuses. A nabi or rasul Muhammad never existed. I am in possession of the 8 volumes – 5473 pages – of the “Inârah” collection hitherto published by Hans Schiler Verlag, Berlin; for an overview and some articles see http://inarah.net/ . The so-called “verses of the sword” (making jihâd an OBLIGATION for all Muslims, see http://raymondibrahim.com/2015/11/18/al-azhar-and-isis-cause-and-effect/ ) have been purposely written by a bunch of scribblers after 750 AD under the caliphs al-Rashid, al-Ma’mûn and al-Mu’tasim-billâh. So what’s the foundation on which jihadis base their claims? there’s none.
In the article: “Submission” is the meaning of the word “Islam.” That’s false, according to Christoph Luxenberg who translates “Islam” by “Übereinstimmung (mit der Hl. Schrift) / Concordance (with the Holy Scripture)”