In an unprecedented turn of events, Javier Milei, a self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist, has clinched the presidency in Argentina, heralding the dawn of a transformative era characterized by unapologetic convictions and...
Ottawa, Ontario – RAIR Foundation USA was on-site to document Ruby Mekker’s impactful address in Ottawa. In her passionate talk, Mekker, a retired dairy farmer, former Special Education teacher, and advocate...
In a shocking incident that adds to a series of attacks, Thierry Baudet, leader of the right-leaning Eurosceptic and anti-immigration Dutch party Forum for Democracy (FVD), was once again a victim of violence.
Germany – Thuringia’s Chief of Constitutional Protection, Stephan Kramer, has issued a warning about Islamic terrorist attacks in the state. He believes that it is to be expected that Muslims and Hamas...
RAIR Foundation USA was on the ground in Ottawa, Canada, to cover a hastily arranged protest that unfolded amidst a sizable gathering of Hamas supporters at Ottawa’s City Hall. Against the backdrop of...
On Sunday, elections were held in the German states of Bavaria and Hesse, resulting in significant setbacks for Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats and the other two governing parties, the Green Party and...
This morning, a coup attempt against Russian President Vladimir Putin unfolded, orchestrated by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group. However, Prigozhin has just announced a reversal of their troops after...
In a heated video address, Member of the European Parliament Catherine Griset, representing the French party Rassemblement National (National Rally), has drawn attention to the European Parliament’s controversial...
Germany’s political landscape is undergoing a significant transformation as the conservative party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) experiences a surge in support, reflecting a growing dissatisfaction among Germans...
Today, we bid farewell to a towering figure in Italian politics and a charismatic leader who left an indelible mark on his nation. Silvio Berlusconi, the former Prime Minister of Italy, has passed away at the age of 86...
In the era of globalization, Europe has experienced significant demographic shifts, with mass migration being the prominent factor. Sweden and Germany have emerged as focal points among the nations grappling with these...
The testimony of Eleanor Sparling at The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) provides a poignant glimpse into the harrowing reality endured by elderly individuals in assisted living facilities during the Covid-19...
Canadian politician Dr. James D. Lunney delivered a compelling address to the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa, shedding light on the extraordinary impact of vitamin D as a true magic bullet for human health. In his...
Minister Szijjarto regarded the threat to Hungary's energy supply as an attack on its sovereignty, prompting Hungary to take measures to protect its national interests.
The leader of the Freedom and Direct Democracy Party (SPD), Tomio Okamura, has recently highlighted the growing discontent among Czech citizens regarding the government’s support for Ukraine. According to a...
The prosecution of a French senator for alleged racial defamation is an alarming example of the government's use of the legal system to silence free speech and protect its open borders agenda.
Tomio Okamura, leader of the Freedom and Direct Democracy party, opposes the proposed treaty due to his belief that it violates Czechia's national sovereignty.
The Covid pandemic has been a time of massive deception and coercion by governments worldwide, and in Canada, this sense of unease has only been compounded by a massive scandal. Explosive allegations made by retired Lt...
MEP Christine Anderson has issued a warning regarding the concept of 15-minute cities, stating that it is not about convenience or saving the planet. She argues that its true purpose is to create a framework for climate...
Mexican Sub-Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion Hugo Lopez-Gatell recently claimed that the United States is the source of fentanyl in Mexico, sparking concerns about the flow of this highly addictive and...
Brazil is isolating itself increasingly from international markets, investment, and multilateral credit organizations, which threatens the country's future economic growth.