America, a nation built on resilience and freedom, finds itself under threat—not just from external enemies but from the calculated manipulations of figures within its own borders. George Soros, the billionaire often...
The relentless globalist crusade to silence Matteo Salvini has hit a wall of justice. Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister, leader of the Lega party, and steadfast defender of Italian sovereignty has been acquitted of absurd...
Wikipedia’s facade of neutrality masks a powerful ideological machine where a few left-wing elites, funded by global interests, control narratives, suppress dissent, and damage the reputations of nonconformists, as...
Exposing the US Deep State's shadowy architects, Donald Lu and Victoria Nuland, this article uncovers their orchestrated regime changes in South Asia, revealing a calculated strategy to reshape the region for America's...
At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele unleashed a scathing critique not only of billionaire philanthropist George Soros but also of the global elite...
Expect the coming months to signal a massive escalation of Western dirty trick operations to try to topple Modi and weaken the BRICS group of countries increasingly trying to oppose the dictates of Washington and Davos...
"People who refuse to call Putin an 'occupier' or 'tyrant' will receive the same treatment as people who spoke out against the corona vaccines" - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Left-wing reporter Stephen Sackur is furious over a Hungarian law that gives parents sole power to “decide on the sexual education of their children,” not schools or left-wing organizations
Salvini is on trial for “kidnapping,” which in reality was preventing 164 potentially dangerous illegal migrants from disembarking from a controversial Spanish NGO ship Open Arms.