The following video is from the Italian television program CortoTG about the disastrous effects of the Covid vaccine. The show spotlights the uptick in cases of shingles (herpes zoster) and fulminant (sudden onset)...
“This is completely insane. This is a nightmare,” journalist Karina Michelin said on the Children Health Defense roundtable about new Brazilian bills that would allow jailing and fines for refusing mandatory Covid...
U.S. World Series Poker player, Jeffrey Farnes, was caught on a hot mic talking to Canadian player Aaron Duczak about how he regrets getting the Covid “vaccine.” Jeffrey Farnes Aaron Duczak The conversation...
Lula also criticized vaccine denialism, saying that the last government, headed by the beloved Jair Bolsonaro, "is responsible for more than half of the people who died."
In a rare victory, the World Health Organization has backed down on proposed International Health Regulation amendments for compulsory vaccination and lockdowns, explains Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts. It is a win...
You have a higher risk of heart attack from two doses of the vaccine than if you decided to start smoking 40 cigarettes a day, stop exercising and gorge yourself daily on junk food.
Now is the time for you to speak with your doctors and know whether they are willing to protect your medical files or will they hand over your most private and confidential details to the state.
A major Covid “vaccine” promoter from the medical world, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, has made a remarkable change of attitude towards the experimental mRNA injections. The doctor calls for the suspension of Covid...
"We have asked to ascertain how mRNA vaccines work since we are dealing exclusively with mRNA vaccines here and investigating whether the enzymes in mRNA vaccines can harm our health." - Lawyer Nicoletta Morante
Professor Dr. Shmuel Shapira MD MPH (Col.), one of Israel’s foremost scientists, suggested in a tweet that the monkeypox outbreak is linked to mRNA vaccines. Twitter immediately sprung to action and...
“For the College, I just hope and pray that they come out of this darkness and back to the truth because at the moment they are now complicit with injuries and death.” Dr. Mary O’Connor.
“Brown University, in tandem with the Rhode Island Department of Health, forms a powerful duopoly of denial controlling state policy and ‘acceptable’ discourse on covid-19 vaccine injury,”
"Dearest fascist Germany, dear oppressive structure, dear courts, The time will come when we will catch you fascists, and I will not do it personally; it will happen automatically." - Nina Maleika
On Thursday’s episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” the comedian-turned-podcaster eviscerated Canadian’s globalist Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. For several years, The World Economic Controlled leader and his...
A Toronto-area casket manufacturer has seen a dramatic rise in orders for smaller-sized coffins since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. Children are dying.
Canadian veteran James Topp has been walking and jogging cross-Canada, from Vancouver on the Pacific coast to Ottawa, Ontario, to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s punitive and politically based mandates and...
"If we have a decision from a judge saying that all the vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, the Trudeau government and provincial governments won’t be able to impose vaccine passports again." -